Fatal Offences Flashcards
What is the definition for murder?
Murder is when D kill a person with the intention to kill or cause really serious harm.It’s still a common law offence as there is no statue that defines the conduct needed for murder.
What is Lord cokes definition?
The unlawful killing of a human being under the kings peace within any country of the realm with malice aforethought express or implied.
What are the AR elements?
Unlawful killing
Human being
Under the king peace
Country of the realm
What is the AR of unlawful killing?
For murder the killing must be considered unlawful. there will be times when the V death will be lawful and therefore does not result in criminal liability eg.
Necessity Re A
Self defence Martin
What is the cases for unlawful killing?
Necessity: Re A held doctor not responsible because they had lawful killed due to necessity.
The unlawful killing may also be committed by omission:
Gibbins and proctor held father was liable for murder by omission as he had a duty via relationship and the step mum also got got murder by omission as she had a duty that was voluntarily accepted.
What is the AR of human being?
This means the V must be alive they must have been born the law states that human life begins at the point a child is able to have an independent existence outside the womb
What is the case for human being?
AG Ref No3 1994 held during the trial D found not guilty but has since been decided that if the baby takes an independent existence outside the womb.
It’s not certain whether a person who is brain dead would be considered a creature in being or not.The law has since confirmed that a doctor can switch off a life support machine without being liable for murder which suggests brain death is recognised for a person no longer being a human being.
Malcherek and Steel held both convictions were upheld at the time of switching off the machine the V were already dead as the brain stems had died the doctors could not therefore be the cause of the death.
Lord chief justice stated that a disabled life even a life lived at the extremes of disability is not joy less precious than the life of an able bodied person (Inglis)
What is the AR of under the Queens Peace?
This means that killing enemy soldiers during the time of war will not constitute the AR of murder or manslaughter.
What is the AR of any country of the realm?
If the D is a British citizen he can be tried in the uk for murder committed in another country.
What is causation in fact?
This is known as the but for test would the V have lived but for the act of the accused? The D will not be liable for the death of the V would have died at the same time regardless.
What is the case for causation in fact?
White held - white was acquitted of murder as but for his actions the V would have died regardless.White was not the factual cause of the V death but was convicted of murder.
What is causation in law?
The conduct of the D may not be the sole cause of the death but be deemed the the legal cause of death the courts have established 3 test
Who is slightly or tribal morally responsible
Was D more than a minimal cause
Did he accelerate the death
What is the case for causation in law?
Pagett held - D was convicted as he was morally responsible more than a minimal cause and he accelerated the death of his gf.
Novus Actus Interveniens
What is causation is established liability will only be removed by a NAI which will break the chain of causation. The chain of causation can only be removed by:
Act of the third party. This is where the third-party is grossly negligent. If it’s medical professionals, it will only break the chain of causation if they are palpably wrong.
Act of the victim. This is where the victim is grossly negligent, and therefore breaks the chain of causation. The original defendant is no longer liable for murder.
A natural, but unpredictable event.