Fat soluble vitamins Flashcards
Vit A (3 fxns)
1) Essential in photochemical basis of vision (signals in retina –> brain visual cortex
2) Maintenance of conjunctival membranes & cornea
3) Critical for epithelial cellular differentiation and proliferation
Vit A (RDA/foods/eval)
RDA: 900 ug/d (or 1800 ug/d beta carotene)
Foods: Preformed: liver, dairy, egg yolks, fish oil
Precursor: (carotenids/BC): yellow/orange and green veg
Eval: serum retinol
Vit A (defic/toxic)
Defic: 1) night blindness, xerophthalmia (dryness of cornea –> corneal ulcers and blindness) “Bitot’s spots”
2) immune defic (supplementing vit A defic decr child mortality 23-34%)
3) abnormal epithelial morph
4) can be used to treat measles
Tox: 1) ONLY with Vit A (does dependent)
2) vomiting, increased ICP, HA, bone pain, bone mineral loss, birth defects
Vit A (3 risks for defic)
Low intake or low fat intake (
Vit D (4 fxn)
Acts as a hormone to:
1) Maintain intra/extracellular Ca
2) Stimulates intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption of Ca and P (also mobilizes both from bone)
3) Innate immune fxn (generation of toxic radicals)
4) Cellular GROWTH and DIFFERENTIATION through nuclear and plasma membrane vit D receptors
Vit D (metab)
Absorbed by chylomicrons
Precursor dehydrocholesterol in skin CONVERTED to CHOLECALCIFEROL (vit D3) by UV light
Vit D2 or D3 hydroxylated in liver to 25-OH-C then actviated to 1,25-dihydroxy-C in kidney
Vit D (RDA/foods/eval)
RDA: 600 IU/d (70 yo, Limit 4000
SUPPLEMENT: 400 IU D3 for breastfed infants
UVB tanning and sun exposure (5-15 min) NOT recommended by derm
Food: Fish over oils, fatty fish, egg yolk, fortified milk andn formulas [D3 from animals, D2 ergocalciferol from plants)
Eval: Serum 25(OH) Vit D levels
Vit D Defic (levels/hypervitainosis risk/toxicity levels)
Defic: 25 OH-D 30
CLASSIC TRIAD in serum: low C + lw P + high alk phos
Risk of hypervitaminosis with CHRONIS GRANULATOUS DZ (eg sarcoidosis)
Toxicity: >10000 IU/d for weeks, causes hypercalcmeia, vomtiing, seziures, soft tissue calcification and nephrocalcinosis
Vit D (7 risks for defic)
Lack of sun Low intake Fat malabsorption Breastfed (esp if mother defic) Dark skin Obesity Liver/renal dz
Vit E (2 fxns)
Antioxidant (free radical scavenger)
Cell membrane stabilizer
Vit E (source)
Polyunsaturated vegetable oils, wheat germ
Vit E (defic/toxciity)
Defic: neurologic degeneration (DTRs, reflex probs, spinocerebellar ataxia and HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA
Toxic: Low risk: coagulopathy (v large does inhibit Vit K dependent factors
MEGAdoses for protection against heart dz? NO!
Vit E (2 risks for defic)
Fat malabsorption: short gut, CF
Vit K (fxn)
Carboxylation of coag proteins (factors 1972) 10, 9, 7, 2
Vit K (levels/foods)
All newborns should receive single IM dose on 0.5-10.0 mg (to prevent hemorrhagic dz of the newborn) can’t be given orally
Foods: leafy veg, fruits, seeds, synthesized by INTESTINAL BACTERIA