FASB Flashcards
What are the three aspects of financial reporting that GAAP addresses?
- Recognition
- Measurement
- Disclosure
What is the hierarchy of the FASB?
FAF (Financial Accounting Foundation)
FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)
FASAC (Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council)
The FASB uses the following process when issuing an accounting standard
- Considers whether to add a project to its agenda, in consultation with the FAF - the FASB receives many requests from its constituencies including the SEC, auditing firms, investors, and reporting firms to address new financial reporting issues and clarify existing standards;
- Conducts research on the topic and issues a Discussion Memorandum detailing the issues surrounding the topic; the FASB’s conceptual framework plays a role in this process by providing a theoretical structure for guiding the development of a specific standard;
- Holds public hearings on the topic;
- Evaluates the research and comments from interested parties and issues an Exposure Draft - the initial accounting standard;
- Solicits additional comments, modifies the Exposure Draft if needed;
- Finalizes the new accounting guidance and approves with a majority vote (four of seven affirmative votes);
- Issues an Accounting Standards Update (ASU). The section on FASB Codification discusses the nature of an ASU in greater detail.