FARMMECH Flashcards
Stands for the reputation of the manufacturer and a guarantee of what lies beneath the paint
Trade mark
Does not take into consideration the change in value of money over time. These are usually crude methods of comparing several investment alternatives.
- Undiscounted measures
Length of time it takes to recover the investment or until the net benefits equal the investment cost. The decision rule is to select the alternative with the shortest PBP.
Payback period (PBP)
Level of operation where the investment neither produces a profit nor incurs a loss. The decision rule is to accept the alternative with the lowest BEP.
Break-even point (BEP)
The time value of money is taken into consideration through the process called discounting.
Discounted measure
Is the process of translating future values in present worth by applying a set of discount factors that reflects the diminishing value of the same amount of money as one moves further into the future.
Ratio of the present worth of the benefit stream over the present worth of cost stream extending over a period of time usually the life of the machine. Decision rule is to accept projects with BCR ≥ 1.
Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
The difference of the present value of the benefit stream and the present value of the cost stream extending over a period of time usually the life of the machine. The decision rule is to accept projects with NPV ≥ 0
Net Present Value (NPV)
The maximum interest rate the project can pay for the use of money if the project is to break-even. At this point, the NPV = O and BCR = 1. The decision rule is that the IRR of the project should be higher than the prevailing interest rate of the bank.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Consumer Act of the Philippines
RA 7394
Any physical soil manipulation which changes the structure of the soil, kills weeds, and rearranges dead plant materials.
Initial cutting, breaking and usually inversion of the soil. Implements used are moldboard, disc and chisel plows and subsoilers cutting the soil to a depth of 6” to 36”. Often referred to as plowing.
Primary Tillage
Subsequent breaking, pulverization and leveling of the soil making it ready for planting. Implements used are disc, spike-tooth and spring-tooth harrows preparing the soil to a depth of 3” to 6”. Often referred to as harrowing.
Secondary tillage
Combined primary and secondary tillage in one operation. Implements used are the rotavators and floating tillers cutting the soil to a depth of up to 6”. Often referred to as rotavating.
General-purpose tillage
unplowed soil
Any physical soil manipulation which changes the structure of the soil, kills weeds, and rearranges dead plant materials.
soil cut, lifted, inverted and thrown to one side of the plow bottom
trench or canal left by the furrowslice
raised ridged when two furrowslices overlap each other
trench left equal to two furrows when furrowslices are thrown on opposite sides
unbroken side of the furrow
Furrow wall