Farewell to Manazar Flashcards
Conjures (verb)
Call upon implore please do something
Buildings used to house large groups of people
compound (noun)
Detention camp/military structre
infamy/infamous (noun)
being well known for being bad/terrible
propaganda (noun)
misleading info to promote ones particular point of view
memoir (noun)
Written from personal knowledge or a special circumference
Bias (verb)
prejudice in favor or against the side
interment (noun)
held as a prisoner
Interrogate (verb)
Questioning for a long time (for a officical reason)
Detain (verb)
To holdd or keep (for a crime)
Communal (adjective/noun)
Shared by all members
Derisoin (noun)
A joke, A taunt, A mockery
Prevail (verb)
Be victoriuous (WIN)
Lore (noun)
Knowledge and traditons
Grotesque (Adjective)
Abosoutely disgusting repulvise