FARE 9 Not for profit org Flashcards
Characteristics of not for profit org
- Revenue from contributions
- Profit is not a goal
- Ownership interests are not like business enterprises
Industries that use not for profit accounting
- Health care org
- Educational Institutions
- Voluntary health and welfare org
- Other private (not governmental) not for profit org
The basis of accounting
Accrual basis of accounting
Primary authority FASB
Financial statements prepared for nongovernmental not for profit
- Statement of financial position
- Statement of activities
- Statement of cash flows
- Statement of functional expenses
Components of the Statement of Financial Position
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Net assets (equity)
The classifications of net assets
- Unrestricted
- Temporarily restricted
- Permanently restricted
The classifications of net assets: unrestricted
Not permanently or temporarly restricted by donor-imposed stipulations.
Internal board designated funds are unrestricted.
The classifications of net assets: Temporarily restricted
Donor-imposed stipulation expires at some point or can be fulfilled or removed.
The classifications of net assets: Permanently restricted
Limited by donor-imposed restrictions, that don’t expire
The elements in the statement of activities
- Change in total net assets
- Change in unrestricted net assets
- Change in temp restricted net assets
- Change in perm restricted net assets
Expense classification in the Statement of Activities
- Program services- org is charted to do it
- Support services - everything else
- Combined costs - fundraising and education services
Classifications of the statement of cash flows.
Operating activities
Operating activities:
a. Agency transactions
b. If Direct method used- gross receipts
c. Unrestricted resources directed by the governing body to be used for long-lived assets
Classifications of the statement of cash flows.
Investing activities
Investing activities:
a. sale/purchase of art work
b. investment in equipment
c. proceeds from sale of assets received in prior periods that were restricted to be invested in equipment
Classifications of the statement of cash flows.
Financing activities
Financing activities:
a. Proceeds from restricted contributions
b. Other financing activities
the statement of cash flows.
Direct or indirect method
Cash and cash equivalents
Exclude donor-restricted securities
Statement of functional expenses
Mandatory for voluntary health and welfare org
Optional for all other
Statement of functional expenses
- The total amount of each functional exp should be clearly disclosed in the statement of activities and or the footnotes.
- The statement of functional expenses analyzes expenses by their natural expense classification
Functional classification of expenses
- Program support expenses - directly related
- Fundraising exp - classified functionally and be separately disclosed in the FS.
- Management and general costs - the overall direction of the org, record keeping etc
- Multiple cost items -belong to several categories
Recognition of cash contributions
Revenue or gains in period in which they are received.
Measured at fair value at the date of gift
Recognition of unconditional promises (contributions)
Revenue at its fair value when the promise is made
Recognition Conditional Promises (contributions)
Recognized when conditions are met and the promise becomes unconditional
Recognition of multi-year pledges
Recorded at the net present value at the date of the pledge is made
- Future collections are temporarily restricted revenues and net assets
- The difference between the previously recorded present value and the current amount collected is considered contribution revenue, not interest income
Split interest agreements
Shared with other beneficiaries.
Recognized for amortization of discounts and revaluation.
Measured at fair value at the date of acquisition.
Estimated based on the present value of the estimated future distributions.
Displayed as temporarily restricted (may be perm if donor wants that)
Specialized Support Transactions
- Donated services
- Donated collection items
- Donated materials
Specialized Support Transactions
Donated services
Not recorded normally, but if meets criteria recorded at fair value:
- create or enhance a nonfinancial asset
- require specializes skills and would have to be purchased (accountant)
If service is solicitations of contributions then it is fundrising expense
Expense or asset Dr
Contributions - nonoperating revenue Cr
Specialized Support Transactions
Donated Collection items
Recorded unless criteria met:
- part of collection, which is held for public viewing,
- collection is cared by the org
- the org has policy to reinvested in other collection items
Specialized Support Transactions
Donated materials significant in amount
If significant in amount, donated materials should be recorded at fair value on the date of receipt.
Asset Dr
Contributions - support Cr
Specialized Support Transactions
Donated materials that pass through the org (used clothing)
Not recorded unless substantial in amount
Expense Dr
Unrestricted contributions - supplies Cr
Recording promises to contribute and other support transactions.
Unrestricted contributions.
Unconditional promises to contribute in the future are reported as restricted support (implied time restriction) at the present value of the estimated future cash flows using a discount rate commensurate with the risks involved even if their ultimate use is restricted.
Recording of unrestricted contributions - unconditional promises to contribute.
Pledge receivable - temp restricted Dr
Allowance for doubtful accounts Cr
Contributed revenue - temp restricted Cr
When collected:
Cash - temp restricted Dr
Pledge receivable - temp restricted Cr
Satisfaction of time restriction - temp restricted Dr
Cash - temp restricted Cr
Cash - unrestricted Dr
Satisfaction of time restriction - temp restricted Cr
Recording of restricted contributions
Contribution may be restricted by donor. Recognized as revenues or gains in the period received and as assets, or decrease in liabilities etc depending on the form benefits received.
Recording of restricted contributions.
Restricted net assets and later after collected and when money is spent
Pledge receivable -temp restricted Dr
Allowance for doubt accounts Cr
Restricted revenue - temp restricted net assets Cr
Reclassification - satisfaction of restriction Dr
Cash/Restricted net assets Cr
Unrestricted net assets:
Unrestricted net assets Dr
Reclassification - satisfaction of restriction CR
Operating exp DR
Cash/Unrestricted net assets CR
Distinguishing contributions from other transactions.
Agency transactions
Consist of resources received by the not for profit over which the not for profit has little or no discretion or variance power (can’t use as they want)
Accounted for as liabilities if no variance power.
Recording Gifts in kind
Non cash contributions.
Fair value measurement.
Recording Exchange transactions
- Reciprocal transfers in which each party receives and sacrifices something of approx. equal value are termed exchange transactions.
- The cost of premiums given to potential donors as part of a fundraising appeal is classified as a fundraising exp.
- Cost of premiums - fundraising exp
- The difference between FV of dues and the amount transferred is classified as a contribution.
- Exchange transactions are classified as unrestricted revenues and net assets.
Recording exchange transaction contributions
Amount transferred - FV Dues/Purchases = Contribution revenue
General Principles: Recipient Accounting.
- Without Variance Power
- Granted Variance Power
- Financially Interrelated - Granted variance power
Financially interrelated org are:
- one org can influence the other
- One org has economic interest in the assets of the other
- Residual rights are created in this instance that increase or decrease as the value of net assets change.
General Principles: Recipient Accounting.
Without variance power
Assets used or managed on behalf of a beneficiary without variance power.
1. assets valued at fair value
2. assets are recognized as a liability to the beneficiary
Assets Dr
Refundable advance Cr
General Principles: Recipient Accounting.
Granted variance power
Assets used or managed on behalf of beneficiary but is granted variance power.
a. valued at FV
b. assets are recognized as contribution revenue when received and expensed
Assets Dr
Contribution revenue Cr
General Principles: Recipient Accounting.
Financially interrelated - granted variance power
Assets valued at 1. FV 2. Recognized as contribution revenue when received and expensed when distributed to the beneficiary Assets Dr Contribution revenue Cr
General Principles: Beneficiary Accounting.
Recognition Rule
Specified beneficiaries recognize their rights to assets held by others (the recipient) unless the recipient is explicitly granted variance power.
General Principles: Beneficiary Accounting.
Recognized Rights
Rights, when recognized will be recorded as any one of the following:
a. an interest in the net assets of the recipient
b. a beneficial interest
c. a receivable and contribution revenue
General Principles: Beneficiary Accounting.
Recognized interest - financially interrelated
The interest in the net assets of the recipient is adjusted for the beneficiary’s share of the change.
Assets Dr
Equity transaction Cr
General Principles: Beneficiary Accounting.
Recognized beneficial interest - pools of assets
An unconditional right to receive specified cash flows from pools of assets.
Measurements and re-measurements serve to present assets at FV using discounting or other techniques.
Beneficial interest DR
Contribution revenue CR
General Principles: Beneficiary Accounting.
Recognized Receivable and contribution revenue
When no recognition of net assets or beneficial interests involved, the beneficiary recognizes a receivable and contribution revenue consistent with treatment of all other unconditional promises to give.
Receivable Dr
Contribution revenue Cr
Investment in securities
- Fair value
- Gains and losses - realized and unrealized (in unrestricted net assets)
- Derivatives - change in FV in the period of change
- Dividends, interest - when earned, unrestricted net assets
- Donor’s stipulation - increase in temp or perm restricted net assets