FAR Recap Flashcards
Financial asset
Contractual right to receive cash/equity instrument in another entity i.e. shares
Financial liability
Contractual obligation to deliver cash
Equity instrument
Residual interest in net assets without contractual obligations (shares issued etc)
Preference shares
Redeemable - obligation so liability
Irredeemable - equity unless dividend is mandatory, then liability
Convertible instruments
Liability component = PV of future cash flows then unwind each year
Equity component represents buyer’s right to convert debt into equity,
= consideration - liability
Convertible instruments: double entry
Dr Cash
Cr Financial liability
Cr Equity
Each year end:
Dr Finance cost (interest)
Cr Financial liability
Dr Financial liability (cash paid)
Cr Cash
Treasury shares
Reacquire own shares:
Dr Treasury shares
Cr Cash
Release shares at a later date:
Dr Cash
Cr Treasury shares
Dr/Cr Retained earnings (B)
IFRS 9 Financial Assets: Equity
FVPL - default
Not held for short term trading
Irrevocable designation made at beginning
IFRS 9 Financial Assets: Debt
Amortised cost:
Business model test - to hold to maturity
Contractual cash flow test - Cash is solely principal and interest
Cash flow test but not business model
Would sell for returns when possible
Short term intention to trade/fails both tests
Classification of financial assets
Should be made when instrument is first recognised
Do based on process of elimination in exam
May need to discount if FA paying less than market value
IFRS 13 Fair value measurement: Introduction
Price to sell asset or transfer liability in orderly arm’s length transaction between market participants i.e. well-informed investors at the measurement date
IFRS 13 seeks to increase consistency and comparability in FV
IFRS 13 Fair value measurement: Hierarchy of inputs
Level 1 - unadjusted quoted price in active markets for identical instruments
Level 2 - other inputs observable either directly or indirectly in active market eg similar items (LIBOR rate etc)
Level 3 - unobservable inputs i.e. PV of CFs
IFRS 13 Fair value measurement: Bid/ask price
Bid price = FV, price dealer will buy for i.e lower price
Ask price = price dealer will sell for (high price)
Transaction costs = Bid - ask price + any other costs eg brokerage fees
BID PRICE FOR FV - IFRS 13 also permits use of mid market price
FVOCI/Amortised cost - transaction costs at acq
IFRS 13 Fair value measurement: Principal/most advantageous market
FV is based on assumptions in market place and not entity specific (FV = transaction costs ignored)
Assumes transaction to sell/transfer asset/liability takes place in:
Principal market = default (greatest volume of activity)
Most advantageous market (highest net amount received) = if no principal market exists
Decide based on net price received (including transaction and transport costs) but ignore transaction costs for FV as they are characteristic of the transaction not A/L
IFRS 13: Disclosures
Information about hierarchy level into which FV measurements fall
Transfers between level 1 and 2
If level 3 then effect on P/L/OCI in period