FAR Own Flashcards 7
What is a deferred outflow of resources?
It is a consumption of net assets that is applicable to a future reporting period. Deferred outflows of resources have a POSITIVE effect on net position and are reported after assets but before liabilities. (Think of it as a prepayment for rent)
What is deferred inflow of resources?
Deferred inflow of resources is an acquisition of net assets that is applicable to a future reporting period. Deferred inflows of resources have a NEGATIVE effect on net position are are reported following liabilities but before equity. (Think of it as deferred revenue)
What is the formula for government-wide statement of net position?
Assets and deferred outflows of resources - liabilities and deferred inflows = Net Position (net position format)
What is the governmental fund balance sheet?
Assets and deferred outflows of resources = liabilities and deferred inflows of resources + Fun Balance (balance sheet format)
When do you recognize revenue for Real estate taxes due and fines and penalties? (imposed non-exchange transactions)
When they are billed (levied) or recorded
When do you recognized revenue for income taxes and sales taxes? (Derived tax revenue)
When received
When do you recognized revenue collected in advanced, unearned when collected, real estate taxes paid in advance, restricted grants?
When the revenue is earned
What is the purpose of the debt service fund?
The debt service fund accounts for the accumulation of resources to pay off debt (general long-term principal and interest)
What is the purpose of the general fund?
The general fund accounts for all of the financial resources of the governmental entity, except those that are required to be accounted for in another fund.
What is the purpose of the capital projects fund?
Think construction. It accounts for the financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities not accounted for in proprietary or trust funds.
What is the purpose of the special revenue fund?
It accounts for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes.
Capital assets donated to a governmental unit are recorded at?
the estimated fair value when received, plus any ancillary charges if there.
What is the journal entry to record a capital lease for the acquisition of a general fixed asset in governmental accounting?
DR: Expenditure - capital lease
CR: Other financing sources - capital lease
What is the purpose of the permanent fund?
The permanent fund accounts for principal that is restricted and may not be expended. Earnings may be used for purposes that benefit the public. Used to report resources that are restricted to the extent that only earnings, and not principal, may be used for purposes that support the government
What are the types of revenue sources for the general fund?
Taxes, Public Safety and Regulation, Intergovernmental(Shared or grant revenue from other governments), Charges for Services, and Other revenue