FAR 37 Service Contracting Flashcards
Service contract means:
A contract that directly engages the time and effort of a contractor whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task rather than to furnish an end item of supply
Severable services means:
are those where each time it’s performed, you received the full benefit of the service. Example. Custodial services.
When is RAD (Requirements Approval Document) requiered?
a. greater than or equal to the SAT prior to approval of the acquisition strategy for the services being acquired
b. Not a contracting function, completed and routed by PM. But don’t award without a RAD!
c. Amended RAD required if proposed action results increase of 25% cumulative or greater, any proposed work that was not validated/approved in RAD
d. Approval thresholds:
≥ $1B or ≥ $300M in any one year (delegable): MAJCOM CC/CV/CA
≥ $10M but < $1B (delegable): MAJCOM CC/CV/CA
≥ SAT - < $10M (delegable): NAF/WG/CC with authority
Non-severable services means:
A non-severable service is one that requires the contractor to complete and deliver a specified end product (for example, a final report of research).
a. Funds can cross fiscal years but must be fully funded at award.
b. You must fully fund all Fixed Price contracts, except for severable services per DFARS 232.703-1
What is a personal service contract?
A personal services contract is characterized by the employer-employee relationship it creates between the Government and the contractor’s personnel
Timeline for service contract?
Under 41 U.S.C. 6707(d), service contract may not exceed 5 years. FAR 22.1002-1
What is a non-personal service contract?
Nonpersonal services contract means a contract under which the personnel rendering the services are not subject, either by the contract’s terms or by the manner of its administration, to the supervision and control usually prevailing in relationships between the Government and its employees
What is the preffered method for acquiring services?
Performance-based acquisition (see subpart 37.6) is the preferred method for acquiring services (Public Law106-398, section 821).
What is performance work statement
A Performance work statement (PWS) may be prepared by the Government or result from a Statement of objectives (SOO) prepared by the Government where the offeror proposes the PWS.
What is Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans are used by Government representatives (usually CORs) to oversee the contractor’s performance and ensure standards are met. Either the Government will prepare, or contractors will submit one with their proposals for addition to Government’s plan.
When a COR must be designated?
In accordance with DFARS PGI 201.602-2(d)(v), contracting officers must designate a COR for all service contracts, and supply contracts with cost-reimbursable line items including both firm-fixed-price and other than firm-fixed-price contracts within 3 business days of contract award unless an exemption applies.
What is Advisory and Assistance Services?
Services provided under a contract by a non-governmental sources to support or improve:
a. organizational policy development;
b. decision-making;
c. management and administration;
d. program and or project management and administration
e. R&D activities
What are the key characteristics of personal serivces?
The elements that should be used as a guide in assessing whether or not a proposed contract is personal in nature are (CO determines):
a. Performance on site
b. Principal tools and equipment furnished by the Government.
c. Directly or indirectly requires Government direction or supervision of the contractor employee.
d. The need and type of services is expected to last beyond one year.
e. Services apply directly to the integral effort of agency or an organization.
f. Similar services are performed in the same or similar agencies using civil service personnel.