FAR 13 Flashcards
What type of balance do Government funds use in their equity section in the individual fund F/S?
-Fund Balance in Equity Section
What type of fund balance is show for Proprietary funds in the Equity section of the F/S?
Uses Net position
What is the J/E for purchase orders for supplies in a governmental fund?
Dr Encumbrances
Cr Budgetary Control
What type of Gov’t fund will most likely have non-spendable inventory of supplies?
General fund, since at the end of the period will have supplies not used
Committed fund balances
The most restrictive classification of Gov’t funds
Internally limited by Gov’t’s highest lvl of decision-making authority
What is the J/E for Property taxes receivable paid in advance for which they are levied?
Dr Property Taxes Receivable XXX
Cr Deferred inflows of resources XXX
Revenues are recognized when measurable and available
What is the J/E for Property taxes collected in Advance of the period that they are actually due?
Dr Cash
Cr Deferred inflows of resources
What is a reciprocal interfund activity?
Interfund loans & interfund services provided and used
Internal Service Billings
Non-Reciprocal Transfers
Interfund transfers - Routine transfers
Classified as Other Financing Sources in the statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund balance
What is the Equation to solve for Ending or available appropriations?
B - Budget: Appropriations XXX
A- Activity: Expenditures (XXX)
E - Encumbrances (XXX)
Available Appropriations: XXX
Approved spending for the budgetary account, estimated expenditures
Committed or assigned amounts in the budgetary control account for purchase orders
Expenditures - Vouchers payable
Actual incurring of bills, recorded as a Cr to cash or Cr to vouchers payable
Vouchers payable - represent expenditures not paid off and included in total expenditures amount
What is the J/E for a Government budget when purchase orders are issued/Approved?
Dr Encumbrances (Estimated) 5000
Cr Budgetary Control 5000
What is the J/E when supplies and Invoice are actually received?
Dr Budgetary Control 5,000
Cr Encumbrances (Estimated) 5000
Dr Expenditures (Actual) 4,950
Cr Vouchers Payable. 4,950