Fantastic Landscapes Flashcards
Israel’s physical geography
Lengthy coastal plain, highlands in the north and Negev desert in the south
Israel’s human geography
Tel Aviv is urban
Capital city of Svalbard (Norway)
What animal is common in Svalbard (Norway)
Polar bears
To horse that meet at the equator
When a country has no close the borders and it’s completely surrounded by other countries. E G. Switzerland
The distance of a place from the equator
To do with time zones
Chain of islands
An area of countryside, with villages or open land
A built-up area like a town or a city
An area with lots of homes
An area of a city where there are shops and offices
An area where there is lots of traffic
How do the Sliding rocks move?
1) it rains forming a shallow lake
2) During the rain, the rocks fall off the cliff onto the race track playa
3) At night, the temperature drops to below 0°, freezing the lake
4) In the morning, the Sun melts the ice, leaving a layer of water under the ice
5) When the wind blows from the south, it blows the whole ice sheet, pushing the rocks with it. Then the ice melts, and the water evaporates, leaving the rocks in a new position.
Where is death Valley located
In the USA, California
Climate of death Valley
Very hot, dry, and desert like
The rainshadow effect
~ Death Valley is located in the rain shadow of 4 mountain ranges, making it so dry
~ The moist air from the Pacific Ocean blows up the mountain, and it is forced to rise
~ as it rises, it cools and condenses to form clouds and rain
~ Danny, and rises over the mountain ranges, leaving no more moisture
~ this makes it very arid and dry, and since the ground is dry, it cannot absorb the rain
~ this makes a lake able to form which traps the rocks when the temperature cools
Upper course
It is mountainous, narrow, shallow, and has a V shaped Valley. You can find a waterfall, plunge pool, and small meanders. The erosion happening, here is oppression, attrition, and hydraulic action.
Middle course
It has gentle slopes, meanders, a wider V shape, and is deeper than the upper course. Erosion happening, here is lateral, vertical, and deep position. There is also a present, attrition, hydraulic action and corrosion.
Lower Course
It has a levée, an oxbow lake, the flat floodplain, and 80 positional soon. It has a wider, flat land, a big leak in the city, and the evolution happening, here is lecturer, abrasion, attrition, hydraulic, action, and corrosion.
Climate zone
Average whether that will happen in the area
Start of the river
End of the river, where the river meets the sea
River Channel
The shape of the inside of the river from side to side
What is the urban population of Egypt?
40 to 60%
Is Svalbard located at a high or low latitude?
High latitude
One impact of the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig in 2010
The sand went in the sand, so you couldn’t go to the beach
Why is Egypt so hot?
It is near the equator, and the Sun’s rays are more concentrated
How is the Nile important to Egypt?
~ Provided life, as when it flooded, it made the land fertile, allowing crops to grow, and people could eat
~ Provided transportation and trade. People could sail along the Nile to get to places they wanted, and to transport goods, animals and food. It was so loud to people to sail along to somewhere else to trade
Where does the Nile begin?
The Ethiopian highlands
Where does the sediment come from?
Eroded, rocks and soil alongside the river
Why does the river have higher flow in the summer?
The snow on top of the mountains have melted and the water falls into the river
How is the floodplain formed?
~A river floods when it is too full and bursts its banks.
~The sediment is carried by the flooded river and onto the floodplain until it is deposited.
~The sediment has lots of nutrients, and as the river flood onto the crops, they get nutrients from the sediment.
~When it is left behind the land is flat and smooth. This is known as a floodplain.