Fanno line Flashcards
Write down basic relations for the Fanno line
Describe how the following parameters vary (increase, decrease, remain constant) along a Fanno line: Mach
number, velocity, temperature, pressure, stagnation pressure, enthalpy, entropy. Consider subsonic and
supersonic flows
Explain why the velocity grows if the flow is subsonic in the Fanno line
Derive dependence of entropy on enthalpy in the Fanno line
Show that the entropy reaches its maximum at the Mach number of one
Explain the term “hydraulic diameter”. Why its is useful?
Explain the difference between “the fanning friction coefficient” and “the drag coefficient”. Why it is more convenient to use “the fanning friction coefficient” in application to the Fanno line
Explain what does it mean: the maximal length of the Fanno line?
What does happen with the flow if the pipe length is greater than the maximal length of the Fanno line
provided that the flow is subsonic? Draw the sketch of pressure and Mach number distribution along the
What does happen with the flow if the pipe length is greater than the maximal length of the Fanno line
provided that the flow is supersonic? Draw the sketch of pressure and Mach number distribution along the