Famous Faces Flashcards
Alexander the Great
Conquered most of the ancient world from Asia and India to Northern Africa - began the Hellenistic culture
King of the Maurya Dynasty (India). Instrumental in the spread of Buddhism
Kemal Ataturk
National leader in Turkey who is responsible for modernizing and westernizing it after WWI
Baron de Montesquieu
Enlightenment philosopher - government should be divided. Separation of powers and Checks and Balances
Simon Bolivar
Latin American revolutionary responsible for removing Spain from much of South America
Napoleon Bonaparte
Emperor of France - created the Napoleonic Code in France; brought stability back to France after the Revolution - attempted to take over Europe
Siddhartha Gautama - Buddha - creator of the Buddhist belief system
John Calvin
Church reformer who developed a form of Protestantism during the Reformation - PREDESTINATION
Catherine the Great
Russian ruler who reformed Russia using many Enlightenment ideas - “enlightened despot”
Chinese philosopher - Five Relationships, Filial Piety, and Civil Service System
Roman Emperor - founded the city of Constantinople in the Byzantine Empire
Nicolaus Copernicus
Astronomer - Heliocentric (earth orbits the sun) theory
Hernan Cortez
Spanish conquistador responsible for conquering the Aztec Empire and claiming most of Central America for Spain
Czar Nicholas II
Leader of Russia - overthrown and killed during the Russian Revolution (1917)
Leonardo Da Vinci
Italian painter, sculptor, engineer, and inventor during the Renaissance
Galileo Galilei
Astronomer during the Scientific Revolution - proved Copernicus’s heliocentric theory. Punished by the Church for his beliefs
Johannes Gutenberg
German printer, invented the printing press in Europe
Adolf Hitler
German leader under the Nazi Party - started WWII, responsible for the Holocaust
Thomas Hobbes
Enlightenment philosopher - favored absolute government
John Locke
Enlightenment philosopher - believed all people had natural rights
Martin Luther
religious reformer during the Reformation - 95 Theses
Niccolo Machiavelli
Wrote The Prince - advice to rulers - “it is better to be feared then loved.”, “the ends justify the means”
Nelson Mandela
South African leader who protested the policy of Apartheid
Mao Zedong
Communist Party leader overthrew the Nationalists - established People’s Republic of China
Karl Marx
The Communist Manifesto - describes the idea of socialism and predicted a revolution of the worker
Japanese Emperor responsible for ending feudalism and modernizing and westernizing Japan
Prophet of Allah, founder of Islam
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Enlightenment philosopher - government should be run according to the will of the people (general will)
Enlightenment Philosopher - believed in the Freedom of speech and religion - best weapon against bad government and corrupt church
Mansa Musa
Emperor of Mali who was a Muslim - went to Mecca and established trade routes (money) to the Middle East