FAMILYMED Flashcards
screening guidelines for cervical cancer?
start at age 21 screen every 3 years and can stop at 65; if woman > 30 can do co testing (Pap + HPV) every 5 years
colonoscopy screening guidelines for colon cancer?
q10 years age 50-75 or note: if pt has 1st degree relative diagnosed with CRC before age 60 then you can screen the pt at age 40 yrs or 10 years before the age at diagnosis of the youngest affective relative, whichever comes first
screening guidelines for osteoporosis?
ALL WOMEN> 65 AND and women 50-69 if they have risk factors
screening guidelines for breast cancer?
biennial mammogram age 50-74
lipid screening guidelines?
men35+ or 20-35 with risk factors; women 45+ or 20-45 if they have risk factors for CHD
screening guidelines for AAA?
men aged 65-75 who have ever smoked
what are flu vaccine recommendations?
everyone 6 months of age and older annually
what are pneumococcal recommendations?
all adults > 65 yrs, one time revaccination after 5 yrs is recommend for those with ckd, liver dz, immunodeficiency or asplenia; one time revaccination rec for pt if they got vaccine younger than 65 yrs at time of initial vaccination
what are HAV vaccine recs?
recommended for people with chronic liver disease, use of clotting factors, occupational exposure, IVDU, MSM, travel
what are the recs for giving HBV vaccine?
pts that are high risk for exposure: dialysis pts, IVDU, multiple sexual partners, MSM
What are recs for varicella vaccination?
all kids, one at 12-15 months, and one at 4-6 months; if adult then 2 doses 4-8 weeks apart
what are meningococcus vaccine recs?
once at 11-12 yrs, and booster at age 16
what are recs for HPV vaccine?
girls 13-26 who havn’t completed the series
how can you diagnose diabetes mellitus?
- fasting bg > 126 on 2 separate occasions
- 2 hour plasma glucose level >200
- random bg level > 200 if classic symptoms or present, 4. also can confirm with 2 consecutive a1c > 6.5
what are the centor criteria?
- absence of cough
- swollen/tender ant. cervical nodes
- Fever (temp >100.4)
- Tonsillar exudate/swelling
if age 3-14 (+1), age 15-44 (0), age>45 yrs (-1)
score 0-1: no testing
score2-3: Rapid antigen test or culture
score 4: treat empirically
what are the red flag symptoms for autism spectrum disorder?
- no babbling/gesturing by 12 months
- no single words by 16 months
- no 2 word phrases by 24 months
- using less than 200 words at age 3
- loss of language or social skills at any age
when do infants regain their birthweight?
infants can lose up to 10% of their birthweight, but will regain their birthweight within first 14 days of life
what is language milestone at 12 months?
1 word, 1 step command
what is language milestone at 15 months?
5 words
what is language milestone at 18 months?
8 words
what is language milestone at 2 years?
2 word phrases, 2 step commands
what is language milestone at 3 years?
3 word phrases
what is precocious puberty?
any sign of 2/2 sexual maturation in girls < 8 years or boys < 9 years
what is delayed puberty?
no breast development or pubic hair in girls by age 12 or no testicular enlargement in boys by age 14 yrs
who gets daily aspirin?
Men 45-79 (when benefits of preventing MI outweigh the risks of GI bleeding)
Women 55-79 (when benefits of preventing stroke outweigh the risks of GI bleeding)
what four categories of people get statin therapy?
- Clinically significant atherosclerotic dz (ACS, MI, angina, coronary or other arterial revascularization, stroke, TIA, PAD
- LDL > 190 mg/dL
- age 40-75 w/ diabetes (considered CHD equivalent)
- Estimated 10 yr ASCVD risk > 7.5%
what is the most effective daily dose of vitamin D and Calcium for hip fracture prevention in postmenopausal women?
800 IU Vitamin D and 1200 mg Ca2+
what is the diagnosis? peristent pain in teenagers aggravated by contraction of quadriceps, one of the most common causes of knee pain in children and adolescents
osgood-schlatter’s disease (osteochondrosis of the tibial tubercle)
what is the best drug to use for depression in kids 8-17 years old?
which SSRI is FDA approved to treat bulimia?
what is the firstline drug used for migraine prophylaxis?
Which drug has been shown to reduce both hip fracture risk and vertebral fracture risk?
zoledronic acid
what is the insulin mnemonic?
A Little Glucose Really Never Deterred Gatorade
Aspartate, Lispro, Glulisine, Regular, NPH, Detemir, Glargine