family relations Flashcards
family system approach
family as set of subsystems -> always systems of two
-> those influence each other = interdependent (meaning; if there is issue in one subsystem, while family needs to adjust -> period of disequilibrium)
-> changes in time spend with others (family member) during adolescence
sibling relationships
- caregiver; like another parent (age gap)
- buddy; having fun
- critical; teasing, possessiveness, perceived unequal parent treatment, high conflict rate
- rival; comparisons, conflict
- causal; no real relationship
-> in traditional cultures it’s mostly caregiver relationship (adolescences having child-care responsibilities)
extended family relations - traditional culture
- man remain home after marriage, women move to husband
- growing up in extended family house
- closeness to grandparents (might be more nurturing, parents more authoritarian)
extended family relations - western cultures
- infrequent contact with extended family (often live far away)
- more “used” in divorced families -> increased grandparents contact
two dimensions of parenting style
- demandingness - control; rules/expectations for behavior, require children to comply
- responsiveness - warmth; sensitive to children’s needs, express love, warmth and concern
-> form on who we become (adolescence development)
no responsiveness, high demandingness
= authoritarian
- no warmth & open communication
- strict rules
-> passive, not able to make decisions
high responsiveness & demandingness
= authoritative (most often)
- open for discussion (compromising)
- trusting, encouraging, autonomy (skills to become independent)
-> independent, social secured, good handling in world of themselves
low responsiveness & demandingness
= indifferent
- few demands, passive, dismissing
- little communication
- distant, absent
-> immature, confirming, not able to deal with demands
high responsiveness, low demandingness
= indulgent
- no guidelines
- accepting, no confrontation
- few rules/expectations
-> misbehavior, drug abuse, impulsive
reciprocal/bidirectional effects
& complexity of siblings
- adolescents also affect parents by behavior towards them
-> can elicit different parenting styles towards each sibling
authority of parents
- in traditional cultures (high responsiveness & demandingness) -> no explanation needed, authority should be obeyed
- in western cultures parents need to establish and explain their authority (provide reasons)
two attachment types (staying in close proximity if adults which care and protect)
- secure attachment: mother as secure base, explore from it, seek comfort when frightened
- insecure attachment; resist/avoid mother when exploring environment when she tries to comfort m/consulates
from child to adult depended on attachment
- secure goes to secure
- avoidant goes to dismissing
- ambivalent/resistances becomes preoccupied
secure attachment effects
- adolescents; higher SE, better psychological & physical health, closer relationship to friends and romantic partner, autonomous/more self-reliant
- emerging adults; higher educational/occupational attainment, lower psychological problems, lower drug use
-> favorable
-> helps to create blueprint of relationships (how they look like, what our place is, …) -> security
(dyadic) secure-base-script
constructive engagement -> obstacle -> help needed/seek proximity/internet this signal -> help offered and effective -> comforting -> constructive engagement re-established
changes the last 50 years
- divorce rate; half generation lives in divorced families -> causes troubles for kids
- rise for children born outside marriage -> single-parent household (mostly mothers)
- dual-earner families
effects of divorce
-> impacts all fields of child life
-> in emerging adulthood; greater problems in forming close romantic relationships, wariness of entering marriage, determination to avoid divorce
-> parenting practices become crappy (more permissive, money problems -> parenting style changes overall)
-> the exposure to the parents conflicts is damaging
effects of remarriage
- hard adjustments for adolescents -> transition to new family structure (need to accept authority of new parent -> conflicts)
- created likelihood of bad feelings/outcomes for adolescents -> turn to the worse
effects of single parenthood
- causes equally bad outcomes as divorce
-> an extended family structure can provide support
run-way/throw away adolescents
- run-away because of high conflict in family structure (physical/sexual abuse) -> brings high risk for bad things to happen (highly vulnerable to exploitation)
- throw away when parents force to leave (cannot deal with it anymore, conflict, money issues, …)