Family Planning Flashcards
What is family planning?
Family planning is the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births
- It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility
Family planning methods of fertility regulation help individuals do what?
- Avoid unwanted pregnancies
- Bring about wanted birth
- Produce a change in the number of children born
- Regulate the intervals between pregnancies
- Control time at which birth occurs
What does family planning ensure?
- Proper spacing between children
- Proper timing of pregnancy
- Controls number of pregnancies
What are the benefits of family planning?
- Reduce health risks associated with pregnancy
- Women Below 20yrs & above 35yrs are at risk of pregnancy complications - Reduces the risk of maternal death
- Birth control in low income settings reduced maternal death by 40%
- If fully used can reduce 70% of all maternal deaths - Ensures better chance for survival of the baby
- Promotes better nutrition for the child
In what way does family planning better the chance of survival of the baby?
- Infant mortality rate is reduced by 45% when births are separated by 2-3 years compared to less than 2
- Reduced by 60% when 4 or more years apart
What is contraception?
Methods used to prevent unwanted pregnancies
State 3 methods of contraception?
- Natural family planning
- Barrier family planning
- Permanent/Surgical family planning
What is natural family planning?
No introduction of chemicals or foreign materials in the body
What are natural contraception methods?
- Abstinence
- Breast feeding - lactation amenorrhea
- Withdrawal - Coitus interrupts
- Calendar methods
- Cervical mucus - careful observation of mucus patterns during menstrual cycle
What is the barrier method of contraception?
Prevents live sperm from meeting the ovum
Name contraceptive barrier methods?
- Condoms (Male &Female)
- Diaphragm
- Spermicidal
- Intrauterine device (IUD)
- Hormonal Method
- Pills
- Implants
- Injectable - Permanent (surgical) method
- Tubal ligation
- Vasectomy
What is the global epidemiology of family planning?
- 9 billion women of reproductive age group (15-49 years)
- 1.1 billion have a need for family planning
- Only 842 million are using contraceptive methods :76%
- In less developed countries 43% of women of reproductive age are using contraceptives
What is the contraceptive prevalence rate?
Defined as the proportion of women of reproductive age who are using (whose partner use) a modern contraceptive method at a given point in time
The contraceptive prevalence rate is indicative of?
health, population, development and women’s empowerment
- It serves as a proxy measure of access to essential reproductive health services
What is the formula for contraceptive prevalence rate?
CPR = (Women of reproductive age (15-49) who are married or in a union and are currently using any method of contraception/Total women of reproductive age who are married or in a union x100)
Describe the contraceptive prevalence rate in Sub-Sharan Africa?
Low use of contraception prevalence rate in Sub-saharan Africa
Approx. 14 million unintended pregnancy occur in sub-Saharan Africa annually
Access to modern contraception is a challenge
However , there has been a tremendous increase in contraceptive prevalence from 1997
Describe the family planning in Malawi?
CPR in Malawi is estimated at 41%, which is nearly twice the estimate for Sub-Saharan Africa
Malawi’s Total Fertility Rate has declined markedly over time.
Between 1992 and 2015-16, the TFR has declined by 2.3 children (TFR of 6.7 in 1992 versus 4.4 in 2015-16)
What are the major determinants of contraceptive use?
age respondents’ and partners’ approval of family planning number of living children socio-economic status education
Among married women, the most commonly used methods are?
Injectables (30%),
Implants (12%),
female sterilization (11%)
Among sexually active unmarried women the most commonly used methods are?
injectables (15%)
Male condoms (14%)
Implants (6%)
female sterilization (5%)
What is unmet need for family planning?
Unmet need for family planning is defined as the percentage of women of reproductive age, who want to stop or delay childbearing but are not using any method of contraception
What is the formula for calculating unmet needs for family planning?
women of reproductive age (15-49) wo are married or in a union and who have an unmet need for family planning/total number of women of reproductive age (15-49) who are married or in union x 100
Purpose of knowing the statistics of the unmet need for family planning?
Unmet needs is a variable indicator for family planning programmes
- Useful for tracking progress towards the target of achieving universal access to reproductive health
- Helps understand demands for family planning
Describe the epidemiology of unmet need for family planning?
Unmet need for family planning is twice as common in sub-Saharan Africa compared to Latin America
There is high disparity in unmet needs for family planning between the rich and the poor countries
Describe the barriers to contraceptive use?
- Lack of knowledge on contraceptives
- Poor access to healthcare
- Poor, young and unmarried - Undesirable attitude of health care workers
- Stock outs of appropriate contraceptives
- Family planning clinic locations and hours that are not convenient for clients
- Lack of awareness of family planning services among hard-to-reach populations
- Lack of resources
- Lack of male involvement in FP
- Lack of youth-friendly services
- Cultural beliefs
- Fear of side effects
- Gender based barriers
How do we over come unmet needs?
- Raise awareness on family planning
- Put up policies and political commitment to improving use of family planning
- Improve the quality of health services
- Youth friendly health services
- Integrate family planning into other routine health services like HIV
- Male involvement