Family Planning Flashcards
In the report, the word STI is frequently mentioned. What does STI mean?
Sexually Transmitted Infections
STI are sometimes called sexually transmitted diseases or STD
Give at least 9 birth control methods.
Birth Control Implant, IUD, Birth Control Shot, Birth Control Vaginal Ring, Birth Control Patch, Birth Control Pill, Condom, Internal Condom, Diaphragm, Birth Control Sponge, Spermicide & Gel, Cervical Cap, FAMs, Withdrawal, Breastfeeding, Outercourse & Abstinence, Sterilization (Tubal Ligation), Vasectomy
Choosing not to have vaginal, oral, or anal sex;
100% effective; cost = free
It releases hormones into the skin; inhibits release of egg;
replace weekly; 91% effective in reality; has NO STI protection
Birth Control Patch
It is inverted vaginally and lasts up to 5 weeks; releases hormones to inhibit the releasing of egg; replace monthly; 91% effective in reality; has NO STI protection
Surgically implanted rod in a woman’s upper arm which slowly releases progesterone; protected for up to 5 years; 99% effective;
no STI protection
Birth Control Implant or Nexplanon
Contains progestin that stops pregnancy by preventing ovulation;
given every 3 months; 94% effective in real life; no STI protection
Birth Control Shot or Depo-Provera
A kind of medicine with hormones; safe, affordable, and effective, comes in a pack and you take 1 every day; 91% effective in real life
Birth Control Pill
Give the 3 types of condoms.
Latex, Plastic (Non Latex) , and Lambskin (Animal Skin)
Shallow cup shaped like a little saucer; insert in the vagina to cover cervix; it must be used with spermicide; 88% effective in real life
An alternative to regular condoms; great at preventing pregnancy and STDs; 79% effective in real life; female condoms
Internal Condom
Give the 3 common methods of FAMs.
The Temperature Method, The Cervical Mucus Method, The Calendar Method
A program that enables parents to deliberately and responsibly decide the number and spacing of their children, by avoiding for the time being, or even for an indefinite period, a birth.
Family Planning
Give at least 5 importance of Family Planning.
Pregnancy complications can be minimized, adolescent pregnancies can be reduced, infant mortality rates can be cut down, sexually-transmitted infections can be prevented, people get educated and empowered
Its advantages are; effective against STDs; don’t cost much and convenient; can be sexy; help other methods of birth control work even better; has no side effects
Vas deferens cut and tied; no sperm in seminal fluid; almost 100% effective; irreversible; no STD protection
Fallopian tubes are cut and tied; no eggs in oviduct, almost 100% effective, irreversible, no STD protection
Sterilization (Tubal Ligation)
A kind of calendar method; simpler than other methods; you must not have vaginal sex on days 8-19 of your cycle; uses Cycle Beads
The Standard Days Method
Its disadvantages are; it is hard to do it in time; certain people can’t use it effectively; you need lots of self-control and trust to use it
Withdrawal (Pulling Out) Method
Its advantages are; once you start nursing, it starts preventing pregnancy right away; it’s free; it’s safe; you don’t need prescription; it doesn’t interrupt sex
T shaped device inserted into the uterus; a long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control method out there
IUD or Intrauterine Device
It is more effective when you have never given birth; it is a small, round-shaped object made from soft, squishy plastic; you put it deep inside the vagina before having sex
Birth Control Sponge or The Sponge
It contains nonoxynol-9; if you use it many times a day, it can irritate your vagina and increase your risk in STDs; 72% effective in reality
It means you do sexual activities, but you don’t have vaginal sex; 100% effective; kissing, massage, masturbation
The law that provides for maternal and child healthcare, family planning, and responsible parenthood
RA 10354 or The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 or RH Law
Give the 4 Pillars of Foundation.
Informed choice, respect for life, birth control, responsible parenthood
It is to promote environmental awareness through Environmental Education and covers the integration of EE in the school curricula at all levels, be it public or private.
RA 9512 or National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
Provides for education and information dissemination in various institutions and agencies; safe practice and procedures; monitoring cases with confidentiality; programs for anti-discriminatory acts
RA 8504 or Philippine Aids Prevention
and Control Act of 2008