Family Medicine Flashcards
What is the definition of a reactive nonstress test?
2 accelerations within 20 minutes with or without fetal movement detected by the patient.
Preformed in patients who Present with decreased fetal movement
what is the definition of a non-reactive nonstress test?
Lack of 2 accelerations over 40 minutes of continuous fetal heart monitoring=> further evaluation needed
Presence of repetitive variable deceleration or deceleration that last for over 1 minute during a NST is considered non-reassuring and often necessitates cesarean delivery.
Of the follow drugs switch one decreases potassium levels: albuterol, amlodipine, loser tan, simvastatin, tamsulosin?
Albuterol- increased potassium uptake by the cells.
Other helpful drugs in hyperkalemia states are: Insulin (give with glucose) Loop diuretics Intestinal cation exchange resins Sodium bicarbonate
What is the initial tissue sampling technique of choice for a patient with a raised, superificaial non-pigmented lesion most consistent with non melanoma skin cancer
Shave biopsy- collect the dermal layers necessary for Dx
Punch bx for melanoma
What is on the diffdx and what is the next best step?
3 yo F acute onset of fever, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and muffled speech. Vitals: 103.1 fever, HR 125, RR 30, BP 100/65. Appearance: anxious, leading forward wit ha hyperextended neck. Speaks in muffled voice and drooling. Inspiration strider and tenderness to palpation over her anterior neck.
Epiglottitis- h. Influenzae b infection
Thumb sign on X-ray
Endotracheal intubation
Based on the pt present what is her diagnosis and how do you confirm it?
54 yo F cc chest pain and SOB since her husband died 5 days ago. She is health. Meds- low dose aspirin. Vitals 37.1, HR 102, BP 88/60, RR 28, O2 sat. 99%, normal lipids. ECG: T wave inversion in lead V4-V6.
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy=> transient left ventricular dyskinesia, mimics Acute coronary syndrome.
Needs a two-step echocardiogram showing a symptomatic deficit in left wall motion followed by return to physiologic wall motion in 1-4 wks
What is the nemonic for depressive symptoms and what does it stand for?
Sleep, Interest, Guilt, Energy, Concentration, Appetite, Psychomotor, Suicidal,
A pt has symptoms of DKA. What is the most crucial in the development of the this patient’s disorder?
DM type 1 is autoimmune
FHx of other AI Dx is crucial ex: vitiligo, lupus, Graves, Vasculitis, pernicious anemia, and IBD)
31 yo F G1P0 present for 16 wk appointment. She missed her 12 wk and has not had a US. Her serum AFP is 3x normal. Why?
Multiple gestation
How can you confirm diabete mellitus?
Fasting glucose of greater than or equal to 126 on two separate occasions
Hgb A1c greater than or equal to 6.5% on two separate occasion
2-hr post oral glucose tolerance test >200
Plus symptoms
_____ _____ is the complete disruption of all uterine layers occurring before, during or after childbirth.
Uterine rupture
— a risk factor is Hx is c-section( trail of labor after cesarean delivery), uterine surgery
— new on set pain b/w contractions,vaginal bleeding, and fetal heart rate changes
_______ _ ____ ____ ___ block, is due to a disturbance in conduction distal to the AV node, most often within the HIS-purkinje system.
Type 2 Second degrees AV block ( Mobitz II), intermittent non-conducted P-wave without a QRS complex, but PR is consistent
What are the tumor marker for germ cell cancer, malignant breast glandular cells cancer, GI tract (pancreatic, gall bladder/biliary duct, gastric cancer), and ovarian cancer, and colorectal cancer?
Germ cell=AFP
Malignant breast glandular cell= Caner antigen 15-3
GI tract= CA19-9
Ovarian= CA125
Colorectal=CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
What is the different between fibroadenoma of the breast and fibrocystic breast disease?
Fibroadenoma are the MC benign breast neoplasm in women presenting with a solitary, painless, well-circumscribed,rubbery and mobile breast mass. Composed of stroma and epithelial elements and MC found in young W
Fibrocystic breast disease is the MC cause of breast masses in W and presents B/L breast lumps and pain in the upper outer uadrants starting within several days of or prior to menstruation and disappearing after menstruation.
What is the A1c goal in elderly patients with a life expectancy of less than 10 years, and with multiple medical comorbidites?
What are the recommended vaccinations for pt with AIDs( CD<200)?
Inactivated influenza annually To/TdaP every 10 yrs HPV 3 dose series Pneumococcal polysaccharide or 13-valent conjugate once Hep B full series
What vaccinations are Contraindicated in all HIV pt?
Bacillus anthracis
Small pox
Zoster( shingles) vaccine
What vaccinations are contraindicated in pt with a CD4+<200?
Varicella vaccine
Measles, mumps, rubella
What is the antibiotic of choice for outpatient prophylactic treatment of uncomplicated animal bite wounds?
Beta-lactate plus beta-lactamase inihibitor
What is Naegele’s rule?
Estimated due date= for pt with regular 28 day cycles, add 7 days to the first day of their last menstrual period and add 9 months