Family Med - FmCASES Flashcards
What are some conditions that predispose to secondary obesity?
What are their symptoms?
Cushing’s (easy bruising, hyperpigmentation, muscle weakness)
Hypothyroidism (cold intolerance, constipation, fatigue)
Hypogonadism (decreased libido)
BMI Underweight: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Desirable: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Overweight: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Class I Obese: \_\_\_\_\_\_ Class II Obese: \_\_\_\_\_\_ Class III Obese: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
In a standard lipid profile, LDL is _____ (calculated vs measured) while the other values ____, _______, and ______ are measured directly.
LDL is calculated.
Total cholesterol, HDL, and Triglycerides are directly measured.
Lipid screening
When is screening recommended by the USPSTF:
Men >35 yrs. Women >45 yrs if they are at increased risk of CHD.
Men and Women > 20 yrs of age if they are at incr risk of CHD.
USPSTF has no recommendation for men 20-35 and women 20-45 with no identified CHD risk factors.
What are the 5A’s of behavioral counseling?
Assess - pt’s dietary practices and related risk factors
Advise - to change _____ practices
Agree - w/pt on goals
Assist - pt in changing diet or addressing motivational barriers
Arrange - follow up, support, referral
The ATP III Guidelines are with regards to _____ levels.
They are:
LDL, Total Cholesterol, and HDL levels.
LDL 160-189 High. >190 very high.
Total Cholesterol =240 high.
HDL >= 60 is high (desirable). <40 is low.
What agent is first line to increase HDL?
Nicotinic acid
What agents are first line for pts with elevated LDL?
Fibric acid derivatives are first line to reduce just triglycerides.
After starting a statin or altering other lipid lowering therapy, check lipid levels at _____ (time interval) and then every ______ subsequently.
6 weeks; 6-12 months
What caloric deficit is needed to lose 1lb of body weight?
3500 calories
Saturated fat consumption should be less than _____g per day in a weight loss diet. Total fat < _____g per day.
Saturated fat: 15 grams/day.
Total fat: 70g/day (500-600 calories)
For a diabetic - annual check:
HbA1c Spot urine albumin/Cr serum Cr, calculated GFR Serum B12 serum TSH Fasting Lipid Panel - HDL, LDL, Triglycerides
JNC 8 HTN guidelines: Anti-hypertensives
Target BP if > ___yrs: ____/____
Target BP if <____yrs: ____/____
Target BP at any age with Diabetes or CKD: ____/____
Target BP 60 years. Target BP18yrs w/CKD: initial or add-on should be ACE-I or ARB
In pts >18yrs w/Diabetes: Thiazide diuretic, CCB or ACE or ARB (except if black
If goal BP is not reached in ____ of treatment, add one of the drugs in one of the classes mentioned (thiazide diuretic, CCB, ACE-I and ARB.
1 month
Moderate intensity statin therapy should be started in all diabetics btwn ____ and ___ yrs of age.
High intensity statin is reasonable if they also have a >___% ASCVD risk.
40-75 yrs of age.
Use ______ for men aged 45 to 79 WHEN potential benefit of reduced MI outweighs risk of GI bleed.
Aspirin. For pts with CVD and documented aspirin allergy, use clopidogrel.
Lowering A1c to <___% has been shown to reduce _________ complications of diabetes. Tailor treatment to avoid hypoglycemia and weight gain. Effect on ____________ complications unclear.
Microvascular have clear benefit from HbA1c<7% goal.
Macrovascular unclear.
ADA Diabetes Treatment:
Diagnosis: HbA1c > ____%. Treatment:
If HbA1c > ____% Treatment:
If HbA1c > _____% Treatment:
HbA1c > 6.5% Treatment: Lifestyle changes + Metformin. Assess.
If HbA1c > 8%. Treatment: Lifestyle changes + Metformin + 2nd Gen Sulfonylurea or 3rd Gen Glimepiride or Basal Insulin or Insulin Determir on NPH (intermediate). Assess.
If HbA1c still > 8%, Treatment: Metformin + lifestyle changes + add basal insulin or intensify insulin regimen. Consider discontinuing sulfonylurea to avoid hypoglycemia.
Thiazolidendiones are associated with…
Heart failure, MI, edema, and bone fractures.
Flu vaccine should be provided to ppl with diabetes _______
Pneumomoccocal vaccine should be given to all people with diabetes over age ____yrs. For ALL pts aged 65 and over a one time PPSV23 vaccine is recommended. If they received the vaccine for another indication prior to 65, another dose should be given once they turn 65 unless their prior dose was within 5 yrs (btwn ages 60-65), in which case another dose should be given 5 years after their last dose. What special groups should get the pneumococcal vaccine from age 19 onward?
2 years of age.
Pts with Asthma, smokers, nephrotic syndrome, CKD, or immunocompromised patients.
Hep B vaccine should be given to all unvaccinated adults with __________
Diabetes, HIV, other immunocompromising conditions, liver disease.
Diabetic retinopathy guidelines
Type 1 DM should have first eye exam ____ yrs after diagnosis.
Type 2 DM should have first eye exam ____ yrs after diagnosis.
What type of eye exam should it be and how frequent subsequently?
Type 1 DM: Look for retinopathy 5 years after diagnosis.
Type 2 DM: Eye exam at time of diagnosis - 20% already have retinopathy.
Annual dilated eye exam for all diabetics from time of indicated first exam onward.
Psoriasis affects _________ (extensor/flexor) surfaces.
Atopic affects________ surfaces.
Psoriasis - extensor
Atopic eczema - flexor
Systemic steroids are required to treat which two dermatophyte infections:
Tinea capitis -Treat w/griseofulvin Tinea unguium (onychomycosis - nail infection) -Treat with terbinafine or itraconazole
Squamous cell carcinoma in a non-sensitive region should be treated with…
Wide excision. If lesion is less than 2cm and has no high risk features, 4mm margin should be obtained. (95% cure rate).
Squamous carcinoma in-situ is Bowen’s Disease
Any nonmelanoma skin cancer >2cm or with indistinct margins or near an important structure should be treated with Mohs microscopy surgery.
For a pt diagnosed with BPH, appropriate first line treatment is…
Behavior modification (avoid fluids before bedtime, limit consumption of mild diuretics like caffeine and alcohol, limit use of salt and spices, maintain voiding schedules) and starting alpha adrenergic antagonists
Pts with a 30 pack year smoking history between ages ___ and ___ should be screened for lung cancer with a _______
Ages55 and 65.
Low dose CT
Pre-menopausal women need _____mg of CALCIUM daily. post-menopausal women need ____mg daily.
1000 mg
1500 mg
Offer one time Hep C screening to people born between _____ and _____
1945 and 1965
Shoulder joint: Loss of active and passive motion suggests _________(type of pathology)
Loss of active motion alone suggests:
Active and Passive Motion: Joint disease (adhesive capsulitis, glenohumeral arthritis)
Active motion alone: Muscle pathology (rotator cuff tear, rotator cuff impingement)
Risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD)?
Age: Men > 45, Women > 55
HTN (controlled or uncontrolled)
Family History (Men < 55; Female < 65) Abnormal lipid levels: high LDL, low HDL
What interventions slow the progression of CAD?
- Blood pressure control to appropriate JNC 8 goal. For diabetics or ppl with CKD it is 7.5%, a high-intensity statin.
- Aspirin: Esp in men 45-79 (prevents MI) and women 55-79 (prevents ischemic stroke)
- Statin: All Type 1 or 2 diabetic btwn 40 and 75 should be on a moderate-intensity statin or if their 10-yr ASCVD risk > 7.5%, they should be on a high-intensity statin
- Beta-blockers: use whether or not pt has HT
Weight loss is NOT a good method. Large fluctuations in weight associated with incr risk.
To determine LVH, the best test is…
When the ________ (value) is reduced it suggests…
E/A value reduced suggests diastolic dysfunction
BNP > ____ pg/ml is abnormal and suggests ____
Suggests heart failure
A positive stress test does NOT indicate CAD and should be followed up with a ________
Cardiac catherization.
Systolic heart failure treatment:
- ACE inhibitors (mainstay of systolic heart failure mgmt). More expensive alternative, ARBs.
- Digoxin - improves symptoms and reduces hospitalizations in NYHA Class II-IV heart failure. DO NOT USE DIGOXIN IN RENAL INSUFFICIENCY
- Loop diuretics - help minimize fluid overload so ACE and beta blockers can work better. Use w/caution in diastolic HF.
- Certain beta blocker like metoprolol succinate. DO NOT USE IN DECOMPENSATED heart failure.
- Eplenerone in Class II Heart Failure or Spironolactone in Class III or IV heart failure.
Appropriate test for CAD in an intermediate risk pt are:
Exercise treadmill stress test
Stress echocardiography
Nuclear stress testing
Acute bronchitis is a productive cough lasting 1-3 weeks.
Chronic bronchitis is a productive cough for 3 consecutive months for the past 2 years.
Decreased height of larynx is a common finding in ________ disease.
Obstructive lung disease including COPD.
COPD Diagnosis An FEV1/FVC ratio \_\_\_\_ indicates mild disease. An FEV1 \_\_\_\_< x < \_\_\_\_\_ moderate disease An FEV1 \_\_\_\_\_ < x < \_\_\_\_\_ severe disease An FEV1 < \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ very severe disease
FEV1/FVC < 0.7 - obstructive disease
FEV1 > 0.8 is mild disease - SABA
FEV1 between 50% and 80% is moderate disease. Treatment: inhaled anticholinergics alone or + SABA
FEV1 between 30% and 50% is severe disease - inhaled glucocorticoids + bronchodilators
FEV1 less than 30% is very severe disease
5A’s of behavior change
ask, advise, assess, assist, arrange
What are the secondary causes of HTN?
Renovascular HTN - Renal artery stenosis, Fibromuscular dysplasia Sleep apnea CKD Parathyroid/thyroid disease Cushing's disease Chronic steroid use Coarctation of aorta Primary Hyperaldosteronism Pheochromocytoma Drug-Induced
Thiazide diuretics (anti-HTN drug) should be avoided in:
Also, the 25mg dose of hydrochlorthiazide is equally as effective as 50mg and only the 25mg dose has impact on coronary heart disease.
People with a Hx of gout - may precipitate flares
They may cause elderly pts to be incontinent of urine. Elderly pts should get a 6.25mg or 12.5mg dose NOT 25 mg.
For a pt with HTN, which tests a indicated:
EKG UA Blood Glucose (fasting) Hematocrit - anemia Serum K Serum Ca - Nephrolithiasis in setting of hyperparathyroidism and HTN Serum Cr or GFR estimate Fasting Lipid Panel
Pg 15 Case 8
Resistant HTN is ____
Failure to reach goal BP with a 3-drug regimen that includes a diuretic.
Back pain worse with movement and sitting is suggesting of …
Mechanical cause: lumbar strain, disc herniation, or degenerative arthritis.
Back pain radiating down the leg is suggestive of…
Nerve involvement - disc herniation.
Pain that improves with the supine position is suggestive of …
Spinal stenosis and disc herniation.
Nerve impingement findings: L3-S1…
L3: Decr patellar tendon reflex, pain in lateral thigh and medial femoral condyle, trouble with extending quads, squat down and rise
L4: Trouble w/dorsiflexing ankles, walking on heels
L5: Decr medial hamstring reflex, pain in lateral leg and dorsum of foot, trouble w/dorsiflexing of great toe and walking on heels
S1: Decr Achilles tendon reflex, pain in posterior calf, sole of foot and lateral ankle, trouble with standing on and walking on toes (plantarflexion of ankle)
Pain in opposite leg during straight leg test is suggestive of…
Root compression due to Central disc herniation
Pain past the knee indicates…
Herniated disc (stretched nerve roots) usually L5 or S1
Treatment for disc herniation and ridiculous thy initially is…
NSAIDS and muscle relaxants
Heat/Cold (local therapy)
If pain does not improve in 4-6 wks or if there is progression of neurologic deficits, back surgeon or MRI/CT.
Migraine Headaches Pain: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (moderate, severe, mild, moderate to severe) Associated symptoms: Quality of pain: Aggravating Factors: Duration: Number of Episodes needed for diagnosis:
Migraine Headaches
Pain: moderate to severe
Associated symptoms: n/v, photophobia, photophobia, may be with aura
Quality of pain: pulsating, can be unilateral
Aggravating Factors: Worsened w/physical activity
Duration: 4hrs-3days
Number of Episodes needed for diagnosis: 5
Tension-type Headaches Pain: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (moderate, severe, mild to moderate, moderate to severe) Associated symptoms: Quality of pain: Aggravating Factors: Duration: Number of Episodes needed for diagnosis:
Tension-type Headaches
Pain: mild to moderate
Associated symptoms: May occur with photophobia or phonophobia
Quality of pain: Pressing, tightening, and bilateral. Radiates down to neck with tender occiput.
Aggravating Factors: not worsened with physical activity
Duration: 30min to 7 days
Number of Episodes needed for diagnosis: 10
Cluster Headaches Pain: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (moderate, severe, mild, moderate to severe) Associated symptoms: Quality of pain: Aggravating Factors: Duration: Number of Episodes needed for diagnosis:
Cluster Headaches
Pain: severe
Associated symptoms: rhinnorhea, lacrimation, facial swelling, miosis, eyelid edema, ptosis, conjunctival injection
Quality of pain: Severe unilateral orbital, periorbital, supra orbital or temporal pain
Aggravating Factors: —-
Duration: 15min to 3 hrs
Number of Episodes needed for diagnosis: 5
What are secondary causes of headaches that should never be missed…
Intracranial hemorrhage
Brain tumor
A headache due to depression or anxiety feels like which type of headache?
Tension headache
Medication overuse headache results in what setting:
Regular overuse of an analgesic for > 3 months. (at least 15x in a month)
More than 15 headaches a month
Headache improves slightly on analgesics, worse when they wear off
Treatment: Stop the medication
Imaging is indicated for a headache if…
Pt has migraine with atypical headache or neurologic signs
Pt is at higher risk of a significant abnormality
Results of the imaging study would alter mgmt
(You should image new onset headache in someone >35 yrs or with Hx of cancer, HIV or with MARKED changes in their usual headache pattern)
Anxiety screening questions (GAD-2)
Over the last 2 wks how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems:
Feeling anxious, nervous or on edge?
Being unable to stop or control worrying.
Depression screening (PHQ-2)
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems:
Have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?
For a pt with HTN, the lifestyle change that decreases blood pressure the most is…
Weight reduction DASH Diet Reduced sodium intake Physical activity Moderate alcohol consumption
What are the criteria for a controlled headache?
What follow-up treatment is needed?
<8/month and they are relieved with lifestyle modification and acute treatment.
Follow-up: None
The differential diagnosis for a lateral ankle injury that permitted weight bearing right after the injury, without compartment syndrome, or clear point tenderness includes:
Lateral ankle injury occurs on ______ (inversion vs eversion)
Lateral ankle sprain - warmth, pain, swelling following injury but no deformity
Fibular fracture
Peroneal tendon tear - persistent pain over lateral malleolus
Subtalar dislocation
Tamar dome fracture
In grading an ankle sprain, what is taken into consideration?
Grade I:
Grade II:
Grade III:
Pain Swelling Ecchymosis Ligament tear Loss of functional ability
Grade I: stretching of the ligament or small tear. No excessive stretching or opening of the joint with stress.
Grade II: incomplete ligament tear. Ecchymosis may be present. Moderate functional loss.
Grade III: complete ligament tear.
Ottawa ankle rules help determine ________
What are the rules:
Whether an ankle sprain should be X-rayed
Rules: Bone tenderness in the outlined spots OR an inability to bear weight both after the injury and in the ED (4 steps)
1. 5th metatarsal bone tenderness
2. Posterior edge or tip of lateral malleolus
- Navicular
- Posterior or tip of medial malleolus
The inversion test tests the integrity of the __________ (anatomic, structure)
Calcaneofibular ligament
The crossed leg test (and the ankle squeeze physical exam maneuver) test for ________
Syndesmotic injury also known as high ankle sprains
What are the patient instructions following an ankle sprain?
How long should the ankle be rested following the injury?
What pain control meds are indicated?
What type of support should be used for an ankle sprain?
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).
Rest ankle for FIRST 72 hrs following injury. You can stretch the ankle for optimal ROM after this.
2-3 ibuprofen at a time. Ensure no prior history of ulcers or issues with NSAIDs. Eat before taking them.
Semirigid support was best (Aircast, soft lace up brace)
Treat an uncomplicated UTI with _______ and if there is >20% resistance, treat with _______
Ottawa knee rules
Age >55
Isolated patella tenderness (no tenderness anywhere else on knee)
Tenderness at head of fibula
Inability to flex knee to 90 degrees
Inability to bear weight both immediately and in the ED.
What are the major X-ray features of OA?
Joint space narrowing
Subchondral sclerosis
Subchondral cysts
NSAIDs are NOT first line for mild to moderate osteoarthritis. What drug is?
If the knee is inflamed, ______ can be considered.
_________ has been shown to have NO benefit in reducing osteoarthritis pain.
Steroid injections (not more than 3/yr).
Glucosamine has no benefit. Acupuncture may have some benefit for receiving osteoarthritis pain.
The definitive test for Carpal tunnel syndrome is ______ BUT it DOES NOT NEED TO BE DONE if history and physical suggest the diagnosis. Only perform if thenar atrophy is present or motor dysfunction is present or conservative management fails.
Conservative mgmt:
Electrodiagnostic test (nerve conduction study) but it has low sensitivity and high specificity.
Conservative mgmt: Night wrist splint
Chronic pain mgmt:
Long acting opioids side effect is: ______
TCAs have _______ (toxicology pattern) side effects. They are relatively contraindicated in ppl with ________ (underlying conditions).
Long-acting opioids: constipation
TCAs: anti-cholinergic side effects; contraindicated people with CV disease and conduction blocks because of risk of tachycardia and arrhythmia.
What are key side effects of NSAIDs?
GI upset
Increase effectiveness of sulfonylureas
Decrease effectiveness of Anti-HTN meds