Family Liaison in Homicide and Serious Crime Investigations Flashcards
Families should be seen as partners in the investigation: this concept is central to the success of the investigation.
Role of the Family Liaison Officer (FLO)
- Day to day management of the partnership between family and Police Investigation
- Primary function of the FLO is an Investigator and not a Support Person
- FLO must offer, facilitate and co-ordinate support that addresses the needs of the family, and treat the family with respect and professionalism.
FLO reports to the OC Investigation / OC Enquiries.
Family Liaison Plan
The level of involvement of the FLO and the specific tasks allocated to the FLO during the investigation must be governed by this plan.
The plan should be recorded to consider:
- Selection for FLO and criteria employed for the selection
- Exit plan for FLO
- Objectives of the family liaison
- Assessing most appropriate method of interviewing family members, include use of specialist interviewers
- Information to be released / withheld from the family
- Requests made by the family which have not been agreed to, and the reasons for this
- Complaints made by the family and the OC Investigation’s action to progress and resolve the issues raised
- Any member of the family who could be considered a suspect, to enable the OC Investigation to determine whether or not this is the case
- Liaison with Victim Support and other support services.
Exit Plan
Must be developed before a FLO is deployed and be communicated to the family at the commencement of the deployment. Plan will be determined by the OC Investigation, and should include reactivation.
Before being stood down, FLO should ensure that the victim support services are ongoing.
Contact after FLO has been stood down must be reported to the OC Investigation.
Deployment of FLO
FLO should identify family members to liaise with at an early stage. FLO should consider asking the family to select a Family Spokesperson.
The term “Family”:
- Includes partners, parents, siblings, children, guardians, whanau and any others who have had a direct and close relationship with the victim
- Includes chosen family
- Should reflect the victim’s culture and lifestyle.
Suspect within the Family
Where a family member is suspected of being involved in the offence, the OC Investigation must take great care and assess any risks associated with deploying an FLO.
The OC Investigation must review the plan regularly, which should consider:
- FLO’s welfare and safety
- Increased monitoring of FLO’s work and interaction with the family
- Level of information disclosure to the FLO and, in turn, the family
- The process where Intelligence that arises from FLO contact with the family will be managed
- Full documentation of all contact and interactions
- Deployment of more experience FLO
- Deployment of Deputy FLO for corroboration issues and supporting Primary FLO
- Not using FLO in any search or arrest of a family member
- Whether or not the FLO will reside with the family.
FLO for Suspect’s Family
Suspect’s family may be an important source of material that could assist with the investigation, and may themselves be victims who deserve the assistance of Police. Careful consideration is required.
Cultural Liaison
FLO should identify the cultural origins of the family and ensure they are familiar with the relevant beliefs and protocols, to enhance relations with the family.
Actions on Appointment
FLO and OC Investigation should discuss plan with working with the family. It is essential the FLO establishes the parameters of their role and is clear about the objectives they are being asked to achieve.
Before meeting the family, the FLO must:
- Liaise with OC Investigation regarding parameters of information shared/held back from the family
- Familiarise themselves with the enquiry
- Familiarise themselves with all information of the family, dynamics, cultural, lifestyle, religion, language, communication requirements
- Familiarise themselves with available information and intelligence the family
- Establish what contact the Police have had with the family since the death
- Establish what information was given to the family
- Establish what information concerning the incident is already in the public domain.
FLO responsible for:
- Profiling the victim
- Prepare family tree
- Gather all relevant information from the family.
Record Keeping
Dedicated notebook should be reviewed by OC Investigation to allow the liaison to be managed effectively.
Early Issues for Resolution
During the early stages the FLO must:
- Provide information on 1S procedure / post mortem / coronial processes
- Provide NOK with “when someone dies booklet” and explain the process (24 hour time frame for objection to post mortem)
- Establish from families any immediate evidence, information, or rumours they may be aware of
- Act quickly and effectively informing OC Investigation of family’s concerns of safety / threats and intimidation received
- Provide initial support e.g. transport
- Protect family from unwarranted media intrusion
- Arrange for temporary housing if the house is the crime scene
- Arrange for Crown Solicitor to meet family to explain decisions taken
Financial Support
Government provides financial support of:
- Up to $1500 for families of homicide victims
- Free counselling for families of murder/manslaughter victims. 6hr/15hr/30hrs.
- ACC can assist with funeral / burial / cremation grants.
Victim impact statements
The statement must be available for sentencing and should be no older than 28 days at the time of sentencing.
Homicide trained Victim Support volunteers are trained to assist Police by taking Victim Impact Statements from surviving family members.
Disclosure of information to the family
Throughout Investigation
Throughout investigation, the family should be notified of:
- Programmes, remedies, or services available through Police to the family as victims in their own right
- Progress of the investigation
- Family’s role as witnesses in the prosecution of the offence
Disclosure of information to the family
Where an offender is arrested
Where an offender is arrested, the FLO (in consultation with the OC () Investigation) must:
- Inform of charges
- Court date and location
- Views on bail
- Views on name suppression
- Inform family about VNR
- If offender is released on bail and on what conditions (if allowed)
FLO must not make a statement to Media unless requested to do so by OC Investigation.
FLO should prepare the family for possible media interest:
- Provide copy of “Media Information Letter to Family of Deceased”
- Establish the family’s views on any media appeals
- Request family to nominate spokesperson
- Consult family prior to release of personal details of victim
- Where possible, provide copies of media releases to family before distribution (including significant developments)
- Request approval from family to release photograph, respect their choice of photograph.
Post Conviction Contact
- Parole Act 2002
- Advise when offender is released from prison.