Family law rule statements Flashcards
Enforceability of premarital agreements
In many states, a premarital agreement is enforceable if there has been full disclosure, the agreement is fair and reasonable, and it is voluntary. The agreement must be in writing and signed by the party to be charged
Preventing enforceability of a prenup under UPAA
Under the UPAA, the party against whom enforcement is sought must prove involuntariness or both unconscionability at the time of execution and lack of disclosure and knowledge of the other’s assets and obligations
Full disclosure for prenups
Full disclosure requires disclosure of all income, assets, and liabilities of both parties
Things courts consider for whether parties entered into a prenup voluntarily
Courts consider factors such as time-pressure, the parties’ previous business experience, and the opportunity to be represented by independent counsel. A party’s insistence on the agreement as a condition to marriage is not considered duress
purpose of equitable distribution
The objective of an equitable distribution system is to order a fair distribution of all marital property, taking into consideration all of the circumstances between the parties
Equitable distribution of marital property
In most states, all property acquired during the marriage is marital property and subject to equitable distribution. Whether the appreciation in nonmarital property will be subject to equitable distribution will depend on whether the appreciation is attributable to spousal labor
What do courts consider in the distribution of marital property
Courts consider a number of factors in determining the equitable distribution of marital property. Some of the relevant factors include the length of the marriage, earning potential, age, and needs of both spouses, the value of separate property, the spouses standard of living, and economic circumstances of each spouse at the time of divorce
Home state rule
Under UCCJEA, which has been widely adopted, a court has SMJ to preseide over custody hearings and enter or modify custody or visitation orders if the state is: (i) the child’s home state (where the child has lived for at least 6 consecutive months immediately prior to the custody proeceding or since birth, if the child is less than 6 months old) or (ii) was the child’s home state in the past 6 months and the child is absent from the state, but one of the parents (or guardians) continues to live in the state
Significant connection JDX
Where there is no home state jurisdiction, UCCJEA permits a court to enter or modify an order if (i) the child and at least one parent have a significant connection with the state and (ii) there is substantial evidence in the state concerning the child’s care, protection, training, and personal relationships
Standard for determining child custody
The standard for determining child custody is the best interests of the child
Considering wishes of child during custody proceedings
Most courts will consider the wishes of the child if the court can determine that the child has a sufficient maturity to express a preference. Although age is not a sole factor in determining whether a child should be consulted, it is considered by the court. If children are consulted, the court evaluates the reasons behind the preference.
Constitutonal right to parent
SCOTUS has held that a fit parent has a fundamental right to the care, custody, and control of their children and state courts must give special weight to a fit parent’s decision on care, custody, and control.
Common law marriage
Most states have abolished CL marriage. In jurisdictions that recognize common law marriage, the proponent of the marriage must prove that the parties
1. Cohabitated for the statutory period
2. Held themselves out as married; and
3. Intended to be married
Recognizing CL marriage in other JDX
Most states will recognize a common law marriage it if was validly obtained in a jurisdiction that permits common law marriage unless doing so contradicts a powerful public policy of the jurisdiction with the greatest interest in the marrige of the parties
Grounds for SMJ under UCCJEA
Under the UCCJEA, a court has subject matter jurisdicion to preside over custody hearings and either enter or modify custody or visitation orders if the state is
1. the child’s home state (where the child has lived with a parent or guardian for at least 6 consecutive months prior to the custody proceeding, or since birth, if less than 6 months old); or
2. was the child’s home state in the past six months and the child is absent from the state, but one of the parents still live in the state.
Right of unwed father to object to adoption
SCOTUS has held that the right of an unwed father to object to an adoption cannot be denied if the father has demonstrated that he is committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of parenthood.
Purpose of putative father registers
Some states have created adoption registries for the purpose of determining the identity and location of putative fathers and providing notice in the event of an adoption.
A putative father’s failure to register
A putative father’s failure to register wihtin a statutorily prescribed period of time constitutes a waiver of his right to notice of the adoption and implies his consent to adoption.
Termination of relationship between putative father and child
Termination in this fashion (through a putative father registry) typically only applies to cases in which the father and child never developed a relationship
Removal of impediment for bigamous marriage
Under the UMDA, an invalid marriage may be validated upon the removal of the impediment – such as the earlier marriage. The marraige then becomes valid as of the date the impediment is removed
Presumption of validity of marriage
Under the presumption of validity, the last of several marriages will be presumed to be valid. This presumption may only be rebutted with strong evidence that the prior marriage persists.
Grounds for making a child custody determination with regard to a prenup
Most courts decide custody according to the best interests of the child at the time of the custody hearing, regardless of any premarital agreements.
Child support in premarital K
Parents have an absolute obligation to support their children. A premarital contract cannot adversely affect a child’s right to support under any circumstances. Such agreements are not binding and are unenforceable
Enforceability of a premarital agreement
A premarital agreement is enforceable if there has been full disclosure, the agreement is fair and reasonable, and it is voluntary
Writing requirement/unenforceable provisions in a prenup
A premarital agreement must be in writing and signed by the party to be charged, and any clauses relating to child custody and support are unenforceable
UPAA requirements for party seeking to prove premarital agreement
Under the UPAA, the party against whom enforcement is sought must prove (i) involuntariness or (ii) unconsionability when the agreement was executed adn that they did not have, and could not have had, adequate knowledge of the other’s assets and obligations due to lack of disclosure
How do courts determine whether an agreement is voluntary
To determine whether an agreement is voluntary, courts consider factors such as time pressure, the parties’ previous business experience, and the opportunity to be represented by legal counsel.
Is a party’s insistence on agreement as condition to marriage duress?
A party’s insisence on the agreement as a condition to marriage is not considered duress