Family Law - Responses to problems in family relationships - Legal Consequences of separation Flashcards
The Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 amended which act?
The Family Law Act 1975
What is stated under the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006?
Under these amendments is the presumption of equal shared responsibilty
What does equal shared parental responsibility mean?
Equal shared responsibility means both parents have an equal role in making decisions about major long term issues
No application for dissolution can be approved until?
The court is satisfied that there’s proper arrangements in place for the care of the children. After this had occurred the court will order a decree nisi which later becomes a decree absolute at which time the marriage legally dissolved.
Name factors in which parental responsibility can be seized with?
- A court order
- An adoption
- The child’s 18th
- The childs marriage
Why is the Family Law Amendment (Shared Parental Responsibility) Act 2006 heavily criticised for introducing the presumption of equal shared responsibility?
It has been criticised for exposing children to further family violence/abuse and that children aren’t given enough weight in the final decision.
What is a Decree Nisi?
Family court order that is made to signal the intended termination of a marriage
What is a Decree Absolute?
The final decree of the dissolution of marriage
When does the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility not apply?
When there are grounds to believe that a parent has engaged in abuse/family violence.
What does the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measure) Act 2011 recognise?
This Act recognises the need to protect children from harm and aims to improve the courts response to family violence.
What must parenting plans consider?
- The practicality of the child having equal time with both parents
- Cultural links are maintained
- A meaningful relationship is maintained with both parents
What was the result of introducing the Family Law Amendment (De Facto Financial Matters and Other Measure) Act 2008?
The jurisdiction of the family courts were broadened to deal with financial matters arising out of a breakdown of the de facto relationship
What does the term property include?
- Homes
- Bank Accounts
- Companies
- Partnerships
- Superannuation
- Household goods
The court will only make consent orders legally binding if?
If the division of property is fair and equitable, however a couple in dispute can choose to have the matter heard in Family court
When determining property allocation, the court considers?
- The financial contribution of each party
- The age of both parties
- Whether or not either party has primary care and control of a child
- Financial commitment of each party in supporting themselves
- Ability for either party to maintain a reasonable standard of living
What is the courts aim in regards to the distribution of property?
The courts aim is to be fair as possible and to achieve an equitable outcome for both parties, taking into account their different needs and contributions.
Why do financial agreements tend to reduce the competitive nature of divorce?
Because financial agreements remove the main sources of hostility which are money and property
Are financial agreements legally binding?
Yes, amendments in 2000 to the Family Law Act allowed the court to acknowledge financial agreement as binding.