family key sociologists Flashcards
Who spoke about the four essential functions of the family?
MURDOCK (functionalist)
- satisfaction of sex drive
- reproduction
- socialisation
- meeting economic needs
Who created the functional fit theory?
PARSONS (functionalist)
- as society changes, the type of family that fits society changes
Who said that only 10% of households contained extended kin before the industrial revolution?
- use to criticise parsons functional fit
Who argued that the nuclear family did emerge from the late 20th century but the extended family has not disappeared?
- use to criristise parsons functional fit
Who spoke about the two essential functions of the family, primary socialisation and the stabilisation of adult personalities?
PARSONS (functionalist)
Who spoke about the family performing the function of passing on wealth and reproducing inequality?
ENGELS (marxists)
Who argued that family is an ideological conditioning device?
COOPER (marxist)
- promoted hierarchy and inequality
- family acts as a safe haven
- family is a unit of consumption
Who argued family provides a safe haven?
ZARETSKY (marxists)
which feminists argued that women and subordinate to men and that women need wives not husbands?
GREER (Radical)
which feminists argued that violence is the product of patriarchal ideas that see women as second hand citizens?
Dobash and Dobash (Radical)
which feminist argued women are the takers of shit?
Ansley (marxist)
which feminist argued that women are the reserve army of labour?
Benston (marxists)
which feminists argued that women are working the triple shift?
Duncombe and mardson
which feminist argued that social policy reforms are needed to improve family, not revolution?
somerville (liberal)
who argued we are living in a risk society as we have more individual freedom?
BECK (postmodernist)
Who argued that family’s have more individualisation and pure relationships?
GIDDENS (postmodernist)
who claimed the term genderquake?
wilkinson - economic power is shifting to women
who argued that overgenerous welfare benefits encourage single parent families?
who spoke about the five types of family diversity?
the rapoports
- organisational
- culture
- class
- life course
- cohort
who said that there is far greater diversity in peoples domestic arrangements
alan and crow
who said that relationship and family diversity are so diverse there are no longer any clear norms
who argued that lone parent households are caused by an increase in divorce and an increase in birth to unmarried mothers
alan and crow
who argued that lone parent households are due to generosity in welfare payments
who interviewed 300 single americans and found living alone was a genuine life choice?
who coined the term beanpole families
who spoke about segregated and joint conjugal roles within the family?
elizabeth bott
who spoke about the symmetrical family?
young and wilmott
which feminist spoke about housewives being unfulfilled and repetitive?
which feminist takes a march of progress view and argues there is a rise of the dual earner household
who spoke about the negotiated family?
who spoke about the rational choice theory of women either choosing employment or marriage?
who found that lesbian relationships do not suffer the triple shift as they do not need to take on the lack of emotional work from the male
who argued as women moved into paid employment they spent less time doing housework and men did more housework?
which feminists argued domestic violence occurs because men are the enemy, oppressors and exploit women?
who argued that when the power or the authority of the male was threatened, this resulted in domestic violence
dobash and dobash
who argued that there is a change in fatherhood and three types of dads, old dads, new dads and super dads?
who did a survey with 102 couples about how they manage money
which sociologists argued that there is a dominant framework in which we view children?
prout and james
who studied childhood in bolivia and found children were specked to start working at 5 years old
who developed the theory of paranoid parenting
who argued that in the middle ages, childhood did not exist and that there is an emergence of the cult of childhood
who argued that parental attitudes towards children have changed
who developed the term age patriarchy
which sociologists argued that there is a toxic childhood
sue palmer
who spoke about the disappearance of childhood and that tv and interest are blurring the lines between adults and children
which sociologist argued that welfare benefits from the government offer perverse incentives (they reward irresponsible behaviour)
which sociologist argued that social policies are a form of state power and control over families