family key sociologists Flashcards
Who spoke about the four essential functions of the family?
MURDOCK (functionalist)
- satisfaction of sex drive
- reproduction
- socialisation
- meeting economic needs
Who created the functional fit theory?
PARSONS (functionalist)
- as society changes, the type of family that fits society changes
Who said that only 10% of households contained extended kin before the industrial revolution?
- use to criticise parsons functional fit
Who argued that the nuclear family did emerge from the late 20th century but the extended family has not disappeared?
- use to criristise parsons functional fit
Who spoke about the two essential functions of the family, primary socialisation and the stabilisation of adult personalities?
PARSONS (functionalist)
Who spoke about the family performing the function of passing on wealth and reproducing inequality?
ENGELS (marxists)
Who argued that family is an ideological conditioning device?
COOPER (marxist)
- promoted hierarchy and inequality
- family acts as a safe haven
- family is a unit of consumption
Who argued family provides a safe haven?
ZARETSKY (marxists)
which feminists argued that women and subordinate to men and that women need wives not husbands?
GREER (Radical)
which feminists argued that violence is the product of patriarchal ideas that see women as second hand citizens?
Dobash and Dobash (Radical)
which feminist argued women are the takers of shit?
Ansley (marxist)
which feminist argued that women are the reserve army of labour?
Benston (marxists)
which feminists argued that women are working the triple shift?
Duncombe and mardson
which feminist argued that social policy reforms are needed to improve family, not revolution?
somerville (liberal)
who argued we are living in a risk society as we have more individual freedom?
BECK (postmodernist)
Who argued that family’s have more individualisation and pure relationships?
GIDDENS (postmodernist)
who claimed the term genderquake?
wilkinson - economic power is shifting to women
who argued that overgenerous welfare benefits encourage single parent families?
who spoke about the five types of family diversity?
the rapoports
- organisational
- culture
- class
- life course
- cohort