family door quiz Flashcards
une famille recomposée==
a family where the parents have been married before and the children of the family are coming from one or both of the previous marriages and perhaps there are children too from the current marriage
les aïeux==
les arrière-grands-parents==
great grand-parents
les arrière-petits-enfants==
great grand-children
un frangin==
a brother (slang)
le parrain==
the oldest (of the children of a family)
la marraine==
la benjamine==
the youngest of the children of a family (fem)
la bourgeoisie==
the upper middle class / in history: the merchant class
le niveau de vie==
standard of living
une nourrice / une « nounou »==
a nanny
des jumeaux==
twins (males)
le gendre==
mal élevé (e)==
poorly brought up