Family Diversity- Extended Families Flashcards
Why is the extended family important today?
-Wilmott: E.F continues to exist as a ‘dispersed extended family’ where relatives are geographically separated but maintain frequent contact e.g visits and phones calls
-Chamberlain: found this in Caribbean families- described as multiple nuclear family where extended family provide support in child rearing
-Bell: MC- more financial help from father to son
WC- more contact and domestic help from mothers to daughters
-Beanpole family- extended vertically through gens but nir horizontally through aunts, cousins
-Inc in beanpole families: longer life expectancy- vert ties with GPs
-Similar family sizes- fewer siblings and horizontal ties
Why is the extended family not important today?
Parsons: dominant in pre- industrial society, but in modern society it’s replaced by nuclear family
Charles- in 2005 found classic 3 gen family all living together is ‘all but extinct’- only exception is Bangladeshi community
How is obligation to relatives relatives connected to extended families?
-Finch and Mason: more expected for females
-Cheal- some more likely than others to help