Family diversity Flashcards
Which theories view family diversity as negative?
- Functionalist
* New Right
Which theories view family diversity as positive?
- Feminism
* Postmodernism
Outline the functionalist view of family diversity?
- Parsons - nuclear family is uniquely suited to meeting needs of modern society + performs irreducible functions which other family types can’t
- Other family types are less able to perform functions required by family and therefore lead to a less effective and unstable society
Give a criticism of the functionalist view of family diversity
- Ignore dark side of family
* Ignore dysfunctions of family and harmful effects it may have on wider society
Outline the New Right view of family diversity
- Family diversity is causing decline of nuclear family which is causing social problems
- E.g. Lone parent families can’t discipline children properly and are a burden to welfare state
- Benefits discourage men from working and supporting family undermining traditional family
Give a criticism of the New Right view of social policy
- No evidence that lone parent families are part of dependency culture or raise delinquent children
- Feminism - nuclear family is patriarchal and prevents women from working and being financially independent
- Rhona and Robert Rapoport - family diversity is response to people’s different needs not abnormal or deviant
Outline Robert Chester’s view of family diversity
- Argues extent and importance of family diversity has been exaggerated
- Nuclear family is dominant but traditional nuclear family has changed to a ‘neo-conventional’ family
What is a neo-conventional family?
A family where both spouses go to work and the division of labour is more equal and shared
Give a criticism of Robert Chester’s view on family diversity
Rapoports - argue family diversity is of central importance in understanding family life + have moved away from the traditional nuclear family as the dominant family type
Outline David Morgan’s view on family diversity
- Family diversity increased as a response to society becoming more fragmented
- Family practices - create a sense of being a family member through actions such as DIY and feeding the children
- Family is ‘what people do’ rather than a concrete structure
Give a criticism of David Morgan’s view on family diversity
Structuralists - although family practises are actions of individuals they take place in the context of wider social structure and norms
Outline David Cheal’s view of family diversity
- Family diversity has increased because we now have more choice over what type of family we create
- No single family is dominant in today’s postmodern society
Give a criticism of David Cheal’s view of family diversity
• Greater choice in relationships means a greater risk of instability
Outline Anthony Giddens view on family diversity
- Increased as a result of more equality between men and women
- As a result basis of marriage and family has changed into one in which couple are free to define their relationships themselves
Give a criticism of Gidden’s view of family diversity
• Giddens - more choice = unstable personal relationships
he criticised his own theory?
Outline Judith Stacey’s view on family diversity
• Changes in position of women = more diverse family types
Outline Jeffrey Weeks view on family diversity
Long term shift in attitudes towards sexual and family diversity since 1950s such as gay marriage which has led to increased family diversity
Give a criticism of Jeffrey Weeks view on family diversity
- Despite changing attitudes family patterns still fairly traditional
- These changes have led to a ‘crisis of masculinity’ where men have anxiety about their role and so use domestic violence to assert their traditional masculinity