Family Descriptions Flashcards
Trees or shrubs., aromatic oil glands; leaves evergreen, usually alternate; flowers actinomorphic, usually perfect; perianth of 6 tepals; stamens 12 in 4 whorls of 3, anthers with valvate dehiscence; carpel 1, ovary superior, ovule 1 per carpel; fruit a berry or drupe.
Laurel Family
Trees or shrubs; leaves alternate, deciduous or persistent, stipules deciduous and leaving a stipular ring at each node; flowers solitary, actinomorphic; perianth of 6-many tepals; stamens numerous, laminar; carpels numerous (apocarpous), ovaries superior; fruit an aggregate of follicles, samaras, or berries; seeds often covered with red flesh (sarcotesta), each suspended by a threadlike funiculus.
Magnolia Family
Shrubs, herbs, or vines, often of wet habitats; leaves alternate (spiral or distichous) or basal, simple to pinnately or palmately compound; inflorescence a spadix enveloped or subtended by a single spathe; flowers actinomorphoc, perfect or imperfect (monescious); perianth absent (in imperfect flowers) or of 4-6 tepals (in perfect flowers); stamens usually 4,6, or 8; carpels 3 (syncarpous), ovary usually superior; fruit usually a multiple of berries.
Arum Family
Perennial (some annual) aquatic or wetlant herbs with milky sap; leaves basal; flowers actinomorphic, perfect or imperfect (plants monecious, dioecious or polygamous); calyx of 3 sepals; corolla of 3 petals; stamens 6-many; carpels 6-many (apocarpous), ovaries a _fruit an aggregate of achenes or follicles. _
Water- Plaintain Family
Perennial herbs or shrubs; leaves alternate (distichous), unifacial; flowers small to large, generally showy, actinomorphic or zygomorphic; calyx of 3 petaloid sepals; corolla of 3 petals; stamens 3; carpels 3 (syncarpous), ovary inferior, ovules 1-many per carpel; _fruit a loculicidal capsule. _
Iris Family
Perennial or annual herbs; leaves alternate (spiral or distichous) or whorled, often somewhat leathery; flowers zygomorphic; calyx of 3 sepals; corolla of 3 petals, median petal (labellum) larger than 2 lateral petals; stamens 1-2, fused to style and stigma (forming a column), pollen grouped in pollinia; carpels 3 (syncarpous), ovary inferior, ovules many per carpel; fruit a capsule, dehiscent by 3-6 slits.
Orchid Family
Perennial herbs; leaves basal or cauline, alternate (spiral) or whorled), often sheathing at base; flowers actinomorphic to somewhat zygomorphic; perianth of 6 tepals in 2 whorls; stamens 6; carpels 3 (syncarpous), ovary superior, ovules many; fruit usually a loculicidal capsule, sometimes a berry.
Lily Family
Perennial herbs, succulent stems often with swollen nodes; leaves alternate (spiral), with closed basal sheath; flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic; calyx of 3 sepals; corolla of 3 petals; stamens 6, or 3 with 3 staminodes, filaments often hairy; carpels 3 (syncarpous), ovary superior, ovules 1-many per carpel; fruit typically a loculicidal capsule.
Spiderwort Family
Aquatic perennial herbs with round, solid stems; leaves linear, mostly basal, alternate (distichous), sheathing; inflorescence a dense, cylindrical spike; flowers small, unisexual (monescious), actinomorphic; perianth of 0-3 bristle-like tepals in male flowers, many stamens 3; carpel 1; ovary superior, ovule 1 per carpel; _fruit achenelike. _
Cattail Family
Tufted, perennial grass-like herbs, internodes solid; leaves alternate (spiral), mostly basal, usually tristichous, sheathing; flowers actinomorphic, usually perfect; perianth of 6 tepals; stamens usually 3-6; carpels 3 (syncarpous), ovary superior, ovules 1-many per carpel; fruit a loculicidal capsule.
Rush Family
Perennial and annual herbs, stems often triangular, internodes solid; leaves alternate (spiral), usually tristichous, sheathing; flowers actinomorphic, perfect or imperfect (plants usually monecious); perianth absent or occasionally of bristles or scalelike tepals; stamens 3; carpels 2-3 (syncarpous), ovary superior, sometimes enclosed by a sac-like bract (perigynium), ovules 1 per carpel; fruit an achene.
Sedge Family
Annual and perennial herbs, stems round, internodes usually hollow; leaves alternate, sheathing, ligule present; flowers somewhat zygomorphic, perfect or occasionally imperfect (plants usually monecious), subtended by 2 bracts (lemma and palea); perianth of 1-3; carpels 2-3, ovary superior, ovules 1 per ovary; fruit a caryopsis.
Grass Family
Perennial trees, shrubs or herbs, often spiny, leaves alternate and rarely opposite, simple or compound, flowers actinomorphic, perianth 6-7 seriate with 3 parts per whorl, the outer 2 whorls sepaloid, the inner 4-5 petaloid, innermost 2-3 nectiferous, stamens 6, anthers typically valvular,carpel 1, ovary superior, ovules many per ovary, fruit typically a berry
Barberry Family
Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, or small trees, leaves alternate to subopposite, usually lobed to divided or dissected, extipulate; flowers actinomorphoc, zygomorphic, or biradial; calyx of 2 or 3 caducous sepals; outer petals with a spur or a sac; stamens numerous, syncarous, ovary superior, fruit usually a capsule
Poppy Family
Mostly herbs, sometimes shrubs or vines, leaves alternate, simple to compound, with sheathing leaf bases. Flowers usually actinomorphoc and perfect, calys 5-8 petaloid sepals; corolla few-many petals (rarely absent); stamens usually numerous; carpels usually numerous (apocarpous), ovaries superior, ovules usually many per carpel, fruit usually an _aggregate of follicles, achenes or berries _
Buttercup Family
Trees, exfoliating bark, leaves alternate with infrapetiolar bud, usually palmately lobed, monoecious, fruit a multiple of densly hairy achenes in a globose head.
Sycamore Family
Annual and perennial herbs, vines, shrubs, and rarely trees, leaves alternate or opposite; flowers actinomorphic, perfect or imperfect (monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous); perianth of typically 3-5 sepals, scarious, stamens usually 3-5, ovary superior, ovules typically 1 per carpel, _fruit a nutlet, berry, capsule, or rarely a circumscissle capsule. _
Amaranth Family
Succulent shrubs, or trees, leaves alternate when present, leaf spines arisiing from special axillary meristems called areoles, some also possess small, trichome-like leaves called glochida; flowers actinomorphic; perianth of numerous tepals; stamens numerous, carpels 3-many, ovary inferior, ovules many per carpel; fruit a berry, often spiny or bristly.
Cactus Family
Annual and perennaial herbs, stems with swollen nodes. Leaves usually opposite, exstipulate; flowers actinomorphic, usually perfect; calys typically of 5 sepals; corolla typically of 5 petals; stamens usually 5-10; carpels usually 25 (syncarpous), ovary superior, ovules many per ovary, usually free-central placentation; fruit usually a many-seeded capsule opening by teeth or valves; seeds with an _ornamented seed coat. _
Carnation Family
Annual and perennial herbs, shrubs, vines, and trees, stems with swollen nodes, leaves usually alternate, with nodal ocrea; flowers actinomorphic, usually perfect, perianth of typically 3+3 or 5 tepals; stamens usually 3-3 or 8; carpels usually 3 (syncarpous), ovary superior, ovule 1 per ovary; fruita an achene or nutlet’ often 3-sided and sometimes subtended by persistant tepals.
Buckwheat Family
Herbs or shrubs, palmately or pinnately compound, or simple, flowers usually actinomorphic, calyx of 5 sepals, stamens usually 10 in whorls, carpels usually 5, ovary superior, ovules usually 2 per carpel; fruit a loculicidal capsule or a schizocarp of mericarps or follicles, usually separating from a **persistant beak. **
Geranium Family
Herbs and shrubs; leaves alternate, opposite, or whorled, hypanthium present, calyx of 4 sepals, corolla of typically 4 petals, syncarpous, ovary inferior, ovules usually many per carpel, _fruit a capsule, berry, or nut. _
Evening- Primrose Family
Trifoliate, basal pulvini, filaments often brightly colored, ovary superior, fruit usually a legume
Trees or shrubs, flowers imperfect, males fromers in pendulous catkins, females in erect catkins, corolla absent, fruit, nut or 2-winged samara, enclosed in bracts.
Trees or shrubs, alternate and actinomorphic, flowers in catkins or heads, pistillate flowers at base of staminate inflorescences, or solitary; ovary inferior; fruit a nut, or at least covered by a cupule of hardened bracts.
Herbs, shrubs, trees, or vines; ofter with milky sap; imperfect; cyathium present; ovary superior; fruit a schizocarp, drupe, berry, or samara.
Herbs, shrubs, small trees, or lianas; leaves a basal rosette; zygomorphic, with the anterior one spurred; fruit a berry or loculicidal capsule; rarely a nut.
Herbs, shrubs, or small trees with acrid juice; basal rosettes; ovary superior; fruit a locculicidal capsule or a berry.
Trees, shrubs, and herbs, often with prickles or thorns, hypanthium present; ovariers superior or inferior; fruit a drupe, pome, hip, follicetum, achenecetum, or capsule.
Herbs with odorous, milky sap; basal rosettes; lobed to divided; 4 cruciate petals; stamens tetradynamous (4 tall, 2 short); fruit a silique or silicle with a persistant septum called a replum.
Trees herbs or shrubs, often with stellate trichomes; corolla of 5 valvate petals; sometimes fused to the staminal column, united by their filaments; fruit a capsule or a schizocarp of mericarps.
Trees, shrubs, and woody vines; trifoliate; dioecious, polygamous, or polygamodioecious); fruit a drupe with typically a resinous mesocarp.
Trees and shrubs; leaves opposite, veins curved forward; large petaloid bracts; ovary inferior; fruit usually a drupe
Small trees and shrubs; mycotropic; evergreem; coriaceous; anthers opening into terminal pores; fruit a loculicidal or septicidal capsule, berry, or drupe
Annual or perennial herb, shrubs, or small trees; typically 5 fused sepals; 5 fused petals; stamens 5; ovary superior; fruit a capsule.
Herbs primarily; exstipulate; inflorescence a scorpoid or helicoid cyme; epipetalous; style gynobasic; fruit a schizocarp of nutlets or a 1-4 seeded drupe
Trees, shrubs, and herbs with milky sap; pollen group in pollinia; syncarpous; fruit a berry, drupe, or follicle.
Stamens are fused to the stigma, forming a gynostegium, often with elaborate appendages called horns and hoods; schizocarp of two follicles
Trees, shrubs and herbs; usually decussate (opposite) , hairy down the throat; epipetalous; loculicidal or septicidal capsule, drupe, or schizocarp
Herbs or shrubs with aromatic leaves; square stems; bilabiate (2 above 3 below); verticillaster; epipetalous; gynobasic
Shrubs or herbs; opposite; simple to deeply pinnately lobed; stamens 2-4 with 5 or more staminodes; epipetalous; septicidal capsule, berry, or schizocarp
Vines, shrubs, or small trees often with milky sap; 5 fused sepals and 5 fused petals; fruit a 4-valved capsule, berry, drupe, or nut
Herbs, shrubs, and trees often with prickles; extipulate; anthers often connivent; fruit a berry or sometimes enclosed by inflated persistant calyx, drupe, or septicidal capsule
Herbs mainly; aromatic, often with hollow stem internodes; sheathing bases; compound umbel; ovary inferior; fruit a schizocarp of mericarps; supported by carpophores upon splitting.
Herbs, shrubs, or trees; inflorescences of involucrate heads (capitula) on a common receptacle surrounded by phyllaries; calyx absent or represented by pappus of 2-many awns, scales, or bristles; 5 fused petals (bilabiate, disk, ray, or ligulate); syngenesious; fruit an achene or cypsela