Family and Marriage Flashcards
One of the universal social institutions
established and nourished by human society.
It is closely connected to the institution of family.
“Marriage is a socially approved way of establishing a
family of procreation.”
Gillin and Gillin
“Marriage is a contract for the production and
maintenance of children.”
“Marriage is rooted in the family rather than the family
in the marriage. Marriage is an institution of society
with different purposes, functions and forms in
different societies but is present everywhere as an
“Marriage is a relatively permanent bond between
permissible mates.”
Robert H. Lowie
Form of marriage where one woman
and one man are married only to
each other
Form of marriage where a person may have
several spouses in his/her lifetime but only
one spouse at a time.
Serial Monogamy
A situation where you are allowed to
have more than one husband or wife.
When a man marries more
than one woman at the same time
When a woman marries
more than one man at the same time.
Specifies the groups within which a spouse must
be found and prohibits marriage with members of
other groups. (Choosing a lifetime partner within the group and from the other group)
Examples of Endogamy
To accumulate wealth, maintain family claims, reinforce geographical boundaries, and enforce the dominance of a social class.
Requires mate selection outside certain groups
Examples of Exogamy
Marriage between Blacks and whites have increased more than six fold in recent decades.
Twenty-percent of all married Hispanics have a non-
Hispanic spouse.
Reasons for Marriage
Economic Benefit
Social Class
A set of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption who shares the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society. A universal institution present in all cultures.
Type of Family that has two adults with at
least one child.
Nuclear Family
In a single-parent family, there is only
one adult who is raising children.
Single Parent Families
In a single-parent family, there is only
one adult who is raising children.
Single Parent
Forms when one single
parent marries another single parent.
Blended Family
When grandparents are raising their grandchildren
without help from the children’s parents
Grandparents Families
Some couples choose not to have children, and some
couples are not able to have children, but they are still
a family.
Childless Families
Includes one or two parents, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and/or cousins all living together.
Extended Families
Males are expected to dominate in all family decision making
Females are expected to dominate in all family decision making
A family in which spouses are regarded as equals
Egalitarian Family