Family and Kinship Flashcards
Basic unit of Philippine society and is very significant to the Filipino
Refers to the way in which component parts, eg., statuses, roles, values, norms, beliefs and behavior patterns are arranged, interrelated and organized.
Social structure
Define the specific structural arrangements of a given family system
Family composition, the relationship of members, the system of descent, the rules of residence, the patterns of authority and other characteristics
According to Murdock, ____ is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and production; it includes adults of both sexes, or at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship and one or more children, owned or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults
Group of persons United by ties of marriage, blood or adoption; constituting a single household; interacting and communicating with each other in their respective social roles of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister; and creating and maintaining a common culture (Burgess and Locke)
According to ____ family members need not be bound by marriage or adoption.
Lamanna and Riedmann
Family consists of 2 or more persons who share resources, share responsibility for decisions, share values and goals, and have a commitment to each other overtime
David and Moore
Family is composed of two or more persons related by mutual expectations of emotional and material support, their family like behavior conveying mutual responsibility, intimacy and care on a continuing basis regardless of their living arrangements
Burant cited in Zimmerman
Not necessary in defining family
Common residence
Defined a group of persons living under one roof and sharing the same kitchen and housekeeping arrangements
Consists typically of a married man and woman with their offspring
Nuclear family
Primary unit of all types of families and is considered the basic building block in family structures
Nuclear family
Consists of individual, his parents and all his siblings
Family where the individual was born and reared
Family of orientation
Consists of individual, his spouse and all his children.
Family is that which the individual establishes by his marriage
Family of procreation
Prohibits an individual from marrying a member of his immediate family
Incest taboo
Nuclear families are combined to form a larger groupings
Compound or composite families
Consists of a person and all his or her families of procreation.
Lacks of continuity over generations since the merger lasts only for as long as the polygamous spouse is alive.
Polygamous family
No. of nuclear families are linked together by virtue of the kinship bond between parents and children and/or between siblings
Extended family
Castillo notes that while the concept of extended family may include many other features, the following are the absolute essentials
*Recognition of kin relations beyond that of a husband and wife and unmarried children
*Shared responsibilities
*Maintenance of expressive and emotional relations beyond the nuclear family.
Internal sense of obligation and privilege, respect, affection, or sexual attraction existing in the mind and heart of each spouse
Conjugal bond
Community expects the husband and wife to be loving and faithful to each other and to have a lasting marriage
Social pressure
Husband is usually the main breadwinner while the wife primarily takes care of the domestic needs of the family.
Economic cooperation
Characterized by mutual love, protection and respect
Sibling relations
The most prevalent residential unit in Filipino society
Nuclear family
Classifies the family as residentially nuclear but functionally extended.
Household which includes relatives other than husband , wife and unmarried children
Extended family household
Couple are by themselves or where a widower lives alone
Empty nest stage
It is possible that children who leave their parental home earlier rejoin their parents who begin to experience frailty in their 80’s
Old people living with grandchildren without the middle generation
Skip generation household
Emphasizes the marital bond and capitalized on sexual attraction.
Usually small and consists only of the spouses and their offspring because other relatives are comparatively considered unimportant
Conjugal family
Usually large and extended because of the emphasis on blood ties.
Consanguineal family
Capitalizes on the asexual association formed during childhood and consists of a nucleus of lineal and collateral blood relatives surrounded by a fringe of spouses who is considered comparatively unimportant
Consanguineal family
Characterized as traditionally consanguineal
Filipino family
Note that in rural areas, personal virtues and failings are believed to be biologically inherited
Mendez and Jocano
Three main rules of descent
Patrilineal, Matrilineal and Bilateral
Merely affiliates the individual at birth with a particular group of relatives to whom he is expected to be especially close
Individual is affiliated at birth with group related to the father.
Patrilineal system
Individual is affiliated at birth with group related to the mother
Matrilineal system
Associates the individual with a group of kinsmen related to him through both his parents
Bilateral or Bilineal descent
Doubling of descent lines each time reckoning goes higher in the next ascending generation
Multilineal descent
A Spanish influence and not indigenous to the Filipino
Patronymic system
Kind of nickname and family name in Paombong, Bulacan
Kind of nickname and family name in Tanay, Rizal
Issued in 1849 a decree which contained thousands of Spanish family names from which the Filipinos could choose their own surname
Governor Narciso Claveria
Determines who is thrown into close contact with whom.
Affects the patterns of socialization and social control.
Four main types of residence
Patrilocal, matrilocal, bilocal, neolocal
The couple after marriage is expected to live in the same house or close to that of the groom’s family
The couple after marriage is expected to live in the same house or close to that of the bride’s family
A slight variant of patrilocal where the couple stays initially with the wife’s family for a period of time then transfers to the husbands family dwelling
Variant of matrilocal where custom requires couple to live with or near the maternal uncle of the groom
Couples have the option to live with or close to the bride’s or groom’s family
Bilocal residence
Establish residence independently and far away from the parents domicile
Other factors that affect the choice of residence
*closeness to the place of employment
*Location of available land for farming
*Business prospects
Sister in law who is the wife of the oldest brother is addressed as
Brother in law or husband of the older sister
Members of the same generation are set apart from each other in accordance with the order of descent
Principle of generation or Age grading
Presents a set of norms, of usages and of patterns of behaviour between kinsmen
Kinship system
Social arrangement which enables individuals to cooperate with one another in an orderly manner
Main determinant of who may be considered as kin
Biological basis or common ancestry
One is given the status of kin by attribution rather than by birth
Fictive or artificial kinship
Characterized by kinlike ties through ceremonial association
Ritual kinship
Kinship among Filipinos is interpreted in terms of all three criteria
Special term of both address and reference used by the spouses parents for each other
Siblings of the husband and wife and between the spouses of siblings
Acquired through baptisms, confirmations and weddings
Spiritual or ceremonial kin
Kumpadre or kumare
Compadrazgo or ritual coparenthood system
Determines the family’s level of living and affects its income and spending patterns
Economic system
Influences the family members philosophy of life, family planning methods, nonmarital as well as marital sexuality, male and female roles, husband/wife and parent/child relations and so forth.
Religious system
Defines the rights and obligations of parents and children, and influences marriage patterns including the number of spouses, the age at which marriage is permissible, the acceptance and non acceptance of common law and same sex marriages what relationships are considered incestuous
Legal system
Affects both the structure and functions of the family through its laws, for instance, on legitimacy, custody of children, divorce, and separation
Political system
Plays a significant role in the child’s socialization and training as well as the family members level of knowledge and skills for successful participation in the community
Educational system
There is no other socially approved and recognized agency to perform this function but the family
Reproduction function
Traditionally regarded as an important function of the family in the Philippines
Highest fertility rate
MIMAROPA, Eastern Visayas, Caraga, AEMM
Very important factor which influences family size
Designed to promote family planning and ensure availability of reproductive health services to everyone
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
Crucial to society because it involves the survival of its members
Biological maintenance
How adequately the family performs it’s maintenance function depends primarily on its
Gets the biggest share of the family budget
Life long process of learning where the individual acquires the accepted beliefs, values, sentiments, norms and behaviour of his group.
Remains the most important socializing agent in the child’s life
Individual is explicitly and directly taught the standards and values, the proper behaviour, the social obligations and other expectations of the group.
Deliberate socialization
Individual learns cultural values and norms from observations and experiences within the group and elsewhere
Nondeliberate socialization
Concern for work or other people
Sharing burden with others
Solicitous concern for all
Stratification is so rigid that the individuals status at birth remains the same throughout his lifetime
Caste or closed class system
The longer the family stays in the same community the more stable and fixed the social position because the family has already established a name and reputation
Residential continuity
Primary channel of social mobility in the Philippines
Process whereby unmarried people and their kinsmen interact for the purpose of mate selection
Asked by the family to help look for suitable mates for their children
Considered the most important virtue of a girl
Premarital chastity
More important concern than chastity
Family honor
One of the more popular means by which a man expresses his feelings for the woman of his choice
Source of behavioural and attitudinal standards
Peer group
System where a man and a woman agree to be together to see a movie, attend a party or merely go out for dinner and conversation.
Couple decides to date each other exclusively. The local term used MU
Going steady
Sets in as soon as the couple commits themselves to marriage
Couple marks end of their courtship
Essential and formal requisites to a marriage as provided by the Family code
Legal capacity
Consent freely given
Authority of the solemnising officer
Valid marriage license
Marriage ceremony
Tendency to choose a mate according to certain desirable characteristics as defined by cultural norms is known as
Preferential mating
Limits the choice to those of the same religion, race, nationality or other categories such as caste
Requires members to marry somebody outside the group
Most universal of all mating rules
Principle of incest avoidance
Prohibits marriage between ascendants and descendants of any degree and between brothers and sisters whether full or half blood
Article 37 of the Family code
Stands for a cross which signifies hardship in life
Fixes the minimum age for marriage at 18 for the male and female
Article 5 of the Family code
Involves the use of organized groups such as “lonely hearts” clubs , introduction service bureaus,pen pal clubs and other agencies
Modern matchmaking
Plays a major role in bringing prospective partners together such as via love columns in magazines and comic books
Mass media
Made much use of mass media in until it was banned in 1990
Mail order agencies
Advertisement that one can win friends and romantic partners through text messaging
Talk n text
Circumscribing factor which restricts the fields of eligibles to a limited group
Personal contact