family and household sociologists Flashcards
Mayall-> may all create
children create own childhood
(new sociological perspective)
Mason and Tripper -> Trip over decision
Children choose their own family, pets, friends not blood
(new sociological perspective)
Postman-> post men look the same
Childhood and adulthood are becoming more similar as children begin to express themselves
childhood didn’t exist in the middle ages
Donzelot-> the lot
surveillance, medical info shared
(own perspective)
Parsons -> pair
Dual Burden
Kan-> ken
for every £10,000 a woman earns they do 2 hours less domestic work
Dunno -> timothee chalamet
lesbians have a more equal division of labour due to their gender
Gershuny-> share
couples are more likely to share their housework if their parents did
Edgell -> on the edge
Men are better at making important decisions as their seen as more responsible and level headed
Dobash and Dobash -> dd dv
Marriage legitimises domestic violence
(radical feminism)
Aries 20- now
We are currently in the century of the child as things become more child centered-> comp schooling and live longer
Aries 10-13
children were seen as mini adults as they worked and didn’t physically depend on their parents, high infant mortality rates = no connection
Aries 13
Cult of childhood- children began to be seen as more separate as parenting books became more popular and compulsory schooling till 14 (1880)