Family Flashcards
پدر مادر و خواهر برادرت خانواده درجه يكت هستن
Your parents and sibilings are your immediate family
خانواده درجه دو شامل همه خويشاوندان، عمو دايي
خاله عمه و غيره ميباشد
Your extended family includes all your
Relatives- uncles - cousins- great aunts
شجره نامه
Family tree
فاميل دور
Extended family
رسم كردن
To diagram
ميتوني از شجره نامه استفاده كني
براي نشان دادن
رابطه بين اعضاي خانواده
You can use a family tree
To diagram the relationships
Among your family memvers
اعضاي خانواده
Family members
نسبت دور
Distant relative
ميتونه گفته بشه
Can be called
كسي كه با تو ارتباط داره
A person who is related to you
كسي كه با تو ارتباط داره
با سري هاي طولاني ارتباط ها
ميتونه گفته بشه
نسبت دور
A person who is related to you by a long series of connections can be called a distant relative
خانواده صميمي
Loving family
Close knit family
اين بيان ها
These expressions
برميگرده به
Refer to
اگر خوش شانس هستي
خانواده صميمي داري
اين بيان ها برميگرده به
يك خانواده اي كه رابطه هاي خوبي دارن
If you,re lucky you have a loving family or a close knit family
These expressions refer to a family that has goos relationships
جايي كه همه همديگر رو دوست دارن و به هم كمك ميكنن
Where everyone loves each other and helps each other
كودكي بيخيال
Carefree childhood
اگر بزرگ شده اي
If you were raised
اگر در خانواده صميمي بزرگ شده اي
احتمالا كودكي اسوده اي داشتي
If you were raised in a loving family
Then you probably had a carefree childhood
اين معني رو ميده كه هيچ چيزي براي نگراني نداشتي
وقتي كه جوون بودي
That means you had nothing to worry about when you were young
خانواده ناكارامد
Dysfunctional family
از طرف ديگه
On the other hand
خانواده اي كه توش
A family in which
از طرف ديگه
به خانواده اي كه در اون
روابط بد و ناسالم هست
ميتونه خانواده ناكارامد گفته بشه
On the other hand A family in which The relationships are bad or unhealthy Can be called a dysfunctional family
سو استفاده
كودكي پر دردسر
Troubled childhood
اگر كه بچه ها تجربه بكنن سو استفاده فقر يا مشكلات با قانون رو ما ميتونيم بگيم انها يك كودكي پر دردسر داشتن
If the children experience abuse. Proverty. Or problem with the law.
We can say
They had a troubled childhood