Family Flashcards
Form ‘F’ hands and use the hands to trace the shape of a circle.
DH open ‘5’ palm facing the middle, thumb of the DH taps the dominant side of the chin 2x.
DH open ‘5’ palm facing the middle, the thumb of the DH taps the dominant side of the forehead 2x.
DH bent closed ‘5’, palm down, starts at the dominant side of the body and drops down.
DH ‘B’ at the corner of the moth arcs down into the sign for BABY.
DH ‘B’ at forehead arcs down into the sign for BABY.
Dominant hand in the 5 handshape, palm facing the middle, the thumb taps the dominant side of the chin and then taps the dominant side of the forehead.
Dominant hand in the 5 handshape with the thumb on the dominant side of the chin bounces out away from the chin in a double arcing movement and then thumb touches the dominant side of the forehead and bounces out from the forehead in a double arcing movement.
DH open ‘5’ with the thumb on the dominant side of the chin bounces out away from the chin in a double arcing movement.
DH open ‘5’ with the thumb on the dominant side of the forehead bounces out away from the head in a double arcing motion.
Fingerspell G-R-A-N-D. Dominant hand in B handshape moves from chin to inside elbow of non dominant arm (baby).
Fingerspell G-R-A-N-D. Dominant hand in B handshape moves from forehead to inside of non dominant crook of arm (baby).
Both hands ‘B’s’, palms up, DH arm lays on top of the NDH arm. Both arms rock side to side.
Both hands flat ‘C’s’, NDH palm facing the body, DH palm facing forward. The DH starts up higher in neutral space and makes a circular motion and clasps with the NDH.
Dominant hand in 1 handshape makes small circles in front of the upper chest.