Family Flashcards
What does Ann Oakley say about the conventional nuclear family?
Oakley refers to the nuclear family as the conventional nuclear family because it is presented as the only acceptable family.
What does Murdock say about the family?
Positive view of the nuclear family is reinforced by functionalists.
Murdock said that the family is vital for society.
What functions does Murdock say that the family provide?
-Stable satisfaction of the sex drive (monogamous relationships)
-Biological reproduction
-Teaching norms and values
-Meeting economic needs
What does talcott parsons say about the nuclear family?
If society is to operate as it should, children should be brought up in a nuclear family.
Different types of family
lone parent
extended family
beanpole family
modified extended family
Reasons for changes in marriage patterns
Norms have changed over time; now socially acceptable to remain single, the stigma for unmarried women has gone.
It is socially acceptable to cohabit and have children outside of marriage.
Influence of religion has declined- society has become secularised.
The process of divorce is much easier to obtain.
Women have more economic independence; they dont have to marry for financial security.
Weddings are high costing
What do the Rapoports say about family diversity?
The nuclear family was becoming one of many family types
There are different roles between men and women and in kinship patterns.
What do the rapoports say about ethnic minority families?
Family diversity is also to be found among different ethnic groups.
African - Caribbean families have a lower rate of marriage and a higher rate of separation alongside a higher rate of single-hood.
What are the reasons for family diversity?
Changes in norms/secularisation.
Changing position of women (girls have more opportunities)
Social and economic changes in society have led to an increase in numbers of lone parent families. (Can obtain welfare from the government)
What is the New Right view on families?
The New Right view the nuclear family as the only adequate and acceptable family.
Murray says that boys brought up without a male role model will not have any fatherly behaviour to mimic and will lack the understanding of the role of men.
What do feminists say about lone parent families?
Higher crime rates for lone parent families are a result of poverty - women may not be able to work because they are the sole childcare provider and the state benefits may not be enough to provide for the family.
Why is there a growth in singlehood?
Change in norms
Contraceptives are more accessible
Position of women (economic independence)
Why is the family in decline?
More children are born outside of marriage and fewer people are getting married - more family types are threatening the conventional nuclear family
What are conjugal roles?
Parts played by men and women in a partnership and the jobs done in the family.
What are segregated and integrated roles?
Segregated- roles between adult partners are different, division in duties.
Integrated- duties are similar between partners.