Families & Households Flashcards
George Murdock (1949)
“the fam = a social group chara by common residence, Econ coop, & reproduction”
includes adults of both sexes at least 2 of who maintain a socially approved rela & 1/m children own / adopted of the sexually cohabiting adults
Stable Satisfaction of Sex Drive
Functions of the Family
w/ same partner preventing the soc disruption caused by sexual ‘free for all’
Reproduction of Next Generation
Functions of the Family
w/o soc wouldn’t continue
Meeting it’s Members’ Economic Needs
Functions of the Family
food & shelter
Socialisation of the Young
Functions of the Family
into soc’s shared norms & values
Evidence Supporting Murdock
studied 250 socs of dif cultures = good breadth - saw in each of these socs nuclear fams existed - saw them providing the 4 funcs
Evidence against Murdock
some argue funcs could be performed equally well through other instis / non-nuclear fam - M accepts but argues practicality of nuclear fam as a way of meeting needs explains why = universal
M’s & Fems have rejected ‘rose tinted’ harmonious consensus view that fam meets needs of wider soc & all dif mems of fam - argues func neglects conflict & exploitation - fems see fam as serving male needs & oppressing women - M’s argue meets cap needs not fam / soc as whole
Functional Fit Theory
argued funcs like fam performs depend on social construction it exists in - will fit the needs of soc it is found in - other funcs = welfare, politics, religion
funcs it performs affects its shape / structure - fams can = nuclear / extended fam can exist = 3 gens
Primary Socialisation
sim to Mur’s edu role Parsons agreed fams taught children soc norms & values - specifically ns & vs of fam / commun - other institutions schools etc taught universal norms of wider soc
Stabalisation of Adult Personalities
helped prevent dsyfunc adult behav - encourage conform to soc norms - provide emotional sup
warm bath theory - when man comes home from tough day at work can relax into fam like warm bath & would take away stress & refrech for next day - husband has instrumental role focus = achieving success at work - financial support = bread winner - wife = expressive role - focus PS of children and meeting emo needs = home maker
Types of Society
modern Indust - nuclear fits needs = dom fam type
trad pre indust = extended fam
Parsons & Types of Society
said post-indust soc had 2 essen needs = geo mobile workforce - ppl need to move to where jobs are = easier for compact nuc fam to move & socially mobile workforce - mod industrial based on constantly evolving sci & tech so requires tech skilled work force = essen talented ppl = able to win promo & take NB jobs - fam hierarchy w/in Hholds can make soc mobility dif so nuc = better
Loss of Function
pre-indust fam = multi func unit = prod & comsump = m self suf than mod - met most indu & soc needs - Parsons said when soc indust fam changes struc to nuclear & loses func - no longer prod unit work moves to facs = consump unit loses m other funcs - means nuc fam specialises in essential funcs of PS & SofAPs
Evidence Supporting Parsons
comp to Murdock does take account for changes over time
Laslett (1972)
Evidence Against Parsons
study of Eng fams 1564 - 1821 =-257 almost always nuc - combo of late child bearing and short life expectancy meant GPs died shortly after birth of 1st Gchild
Micheal Anderson (1980)
Evidence Against Parsons
explained pop of WC extended fam via exchange theeory- shows harsh conditions pov, sickness, early death meant benefits out weighed costs - elders could care for children & orphaned relatives = extra income for rent
General Evaluation of Parsons
= deterministic - no free will says we act how soc says
out of date - womens rights have changed no longer expressive role which exploits & oppresses
ignores changing marriage norms inc divorce rates & diversity
overly positive - assumes fam = haven of pos no neg impact of fam on soc eg abuse / dom violence
assumes value consensus - m access to info = m diversity
Marxist Perspective on Family
Nuclear family is a tool of capitalism
Main func is to maintain cap & reinforce inequalities- func also lies w/ other institutions eg edu
Inheritance of Wealth
After indust rev wealth began to inc through cap & w/ this came the development of priv prop
Engel claimed this change in owning property brought about the monogamous nuc fam - monog = necessary to ensure men w/ wealth passed property onto biological children
Keeps wealth in hands of Bour & maintains their Soc power enabling them to continue leading & exploiting WC
Reproduction - Marxist Feminism
Cap exploits women - Engel claimed this era brought women’s sexuality under male control & turned her into a prod of children
Housewives provide free care which keeps w’s productive but also keeps women oppressed & powerless
Created future w force to serve cap & enabled the wealth to stay w/ bour through inheritance
Socialisation - M
Althusser argues family performs key ideological funcs for cap promotes views that naturalise & legitimise existence of Soc classes presenting them as fair & unchangeable - commun to children by parents through socialisation into social hierarchy - leads to false class consciousness where ppl misperceive pos in soc = unable to recog inequal oppression & exploitation - prevents Rev
David Cooper
Supported socialisation - sees fam as ‘ideological conditioning device’ - children learn to conform to auth so coop & are easily exploited
Cushioning Effects
Zaretsky (1976) another ideological func fams perform is offering haven from exploitation
At home can be selves & have private life - sim to warm bath theory
Argues warm bath is illusion haven only serves to maintain cap by soothing the exploitation of WC by bour to prevent soc rev
Unit of Consumption
Zaretsky (1976) owners of prod exploit w’s labour for profit
Fam plays Maj role in gen profit by purchasing consumer goods on market
Adverts urge fams to keep up w/ the joneses - all latest consumer prods - target children = m susceptible to persuasion - those that don’t have the latest products = mocked / stigmatised- maintains cap by inc profs of bour who own consumer market
Strengths of Marxist Approach
Social construction - highlights econ influs on family life & raises the possibility that the family as an institution benefits some Soc groups - upper classes - m than others fits needs of cap
Shows dark side of fams - provided starting point for M - Fems describes econ exploitation of women w/in the fam & personal relas - also provided useful analysis of how broad structural changes in Soc might have influ fam life
Family Diversity
Criticism of Marxist Approach
Only acknowledge nuclear fams as funcs of cap - wide variety of family strucs found today = ignored
Overly negative
Criticism of Marxist Approach
Funcs argue M’s ignore benefits that the fam provides for its mems & for Soc such as emotional support & comfort = overly negative to state fams exist for cap is not a very positive romantic take on marriage - fams = m than inheritance security = overly simplistic
Criticism of Marxist Approach
Whilst M-F elab on M to acknowledge how nuclear fam structure serves cap oppresses women
Fems crit M for neglecting the exploitation of women - argue the emphasis on class & cap - underestimates the Nbance of gender inequals in the fam - this = m NB than class inequals - fam serves men primarily X cap
Criticism of Marxist Approach
assumes the only w in fam = male - changes to women’s rights means = outdated view - now both parents work
outdated about work exploitation = strict laws to protect rights & TUs so family not needed as a haven
New Right
conservice anti-fem view - nuc fam = best w/ clear cut roles between homemaker wife & bread winner husband
nuc fam = cereal packet fam = bedrock of soc acting as an independent unit - doesn’t seek state welfare
= best pos to = self reliant & capable of caring for mems esp successful soc of children
= place of refuge contentment & harmony
Family Diversity Causes Problems
oppose fam div & mod changes - argue this esp growth of lone parent fams cause soc probs
1. lone mums can’t discipline children properly
2. lone parent fams leave boys w/o male role model - edu failure, delinq & soc instability
3. such fams likely to = poorer so burden on tax payer & welfare
Dependency Culture
Charles Murray 1988
argued gov welfare policies particularly state funding & soc attitudes have combo to undermine nuc fam
= over gen benefits to single mums - allows fathers to opt out of respon for raising & providing for fam
depen cul - underclass lives off benefits - no aspiration to work - teen pregnancy fav - get benefits
suggested Murdock’s econ func done by gov for LC by gov so dont have to have a working parent - no incentive to work on relas & keep fam together - encours larger fams which are less likely to be self suf
Deviant Sons
Charles Murray 1988
argues m young men chose not to work - may turn to crime & drugs - grew up w/o male role model / wage earner
lack of male role models in mainstream soc - w/in female headed underclass fam dependent on state benefits the disciplines & respons of normal soc breakdown - negatively impacts econ growth
Harry Benson (2017)
Supporting New Right
link between broken homes & teenage mental health = well estab
boys m likely to have behav probs & girls emo probs
1/8 teenagers report poor mental health & poor home life is commonly cited as the reason
Harry Benson (2006)
Supporting New Right
analysed data on over 15,000 babies - found rate of fam breakdown in 1st 3 yrs of birth = 20% cohab / 6% married
argued couples = m stable if married - requires deliberation commitment - only way to prevent social disintergration & damage to children is to return to trad values of marriage - gov should sup marriage in policies
eg denying council housing to unmarried mums & taxes fav nuc fam
Dennis & Erdos (1992)
Supporting New Right
children esp sons in single p Hholds w/ absent dads have:
poorer health, lower levels of edu achievement, worse life choices, higher levels of unemployment & crime - attribute to lack of male role model & primary socialisation
Problems w/ Dennis & Erdos (1992)
= correlational research - directional issues
shape to data the way they want
other reasons - bad friend choice / poorer background
Supporting New Right
single parent fams 2x m likely to experience pov
kids from broken homes = 9x m likely to = young offens
family breakdown costs UK £40 billion a year
The Marriage Foundation (2019)
60% of single parents recieve welfare benefits = 10% married parents
51% of sep fams = previously unmarried = unstable
Strengths of the New Right
like func acknowledge the fam is beneficial to soc
offers solu in changes to soc pol for breakdown of fam & impact on soc
Sexist Views
Criticisms of the New Right
fems argue holds sexist views of women - views = attempt to justify returning to num fam structure that oppresses & exploits women
Ann Oakley (1997)
Criticisms of the New Right
wrongly assumes nuclear fam = natural X soc construction
AO argued gender roles are not bio & cross cul studies reveal GRs differ cross cul
Lack of Evidence
Criticisms of the New Right
makes moralistic value judgements that the nuclear fam = better than single p = little / no evidence that lone p fams = part of the dependency cul that raises delinquents
Victim Blaming
Criticisms of the New Right
blames the poor for their poverty rather than seeking explans for why ppl find they need gov sup
Marxist Criticisms
Criticisms of the New Right
would argue = pol pos not socio explan used as ideo justification for cap = convenient case for cutting public spending on welfare to benefit the rich
Abbot & Wallace (1992)
Criticisms of the New Right
cutting benefits would only cause greater poverty for poor fams & make them less self reliant
Feminist Perspective of the Family
family = soc insitu = tool of female oppres & nuc fam serves male needs X women = unequal labour division & dom violence
soc young into gender roles = unequal
Dual Burden
Ann Oakley concl women have dual burden = emo support & dom labour
Triple Shift
Duncombe & Marsden - emo work added to paid work & unpaid dom labour
Malestream Sociology
refers to the way socios will apply reasearch data col about men to lives of women despite dif expers
Liberal Feminist Approach
camp against sex discrim - want legal equal rights & oppurs - solu to ending the patri
eg Sex Discrimination Act & Equal Pay Act
Liberal Feminist:
women’s oppression being grad overcome - changing attitudes & laws - many equal barriers = removed - not prisoners of feminine mystic - set of constraining attitudes - only housewife & mother
are moving towards greater equal - depends of future reform
Liberal Feminist View of Family
‘march of progress view’ - Willmott & Young (1973)
Early Industrial Society
Willmott & Young (1973)
nuc fams - men move to towna for work - women in dom roles
segregated gender roles - causes oppress of women
Modern Industrial Society
Willmott & Young (1973)
symmetrical fam - by 1973 nuc fams = less segregation - both sexes work & contrib chores, share joint conjugal roles - men spend m time at home - m united
Jennifer Sommerville (2000)
4 main areas of change: changes in gov pol (women’s rights) duel earning households (female careers) changes in parenting & social attitudes
acknowledges some still feel sense of grievance - should use policy reform X rev change
Jennifer Sommerville (2000) Focuses
policies to help working parents - working long hours & m job culs = X compat w/ fam life
equality between men & women = dif to maintain esp if woman takes part time work for childcare rather than husband
Intersectional Feminists
Evaluation of Liberal Feminists
reject idea all exper gender oppress & inequal in homogeneous way
encourage intersectional lense to consider complex strucs that lead to inequal
believe lib fems describe false universality based on white MC exper = ethnocentric
Radical Feminists
Evaluation of Liberal Feminists
argue lib fems fail to challenge underlying causes of women’s oppression - changing laws not enough - need fundem soc changein struc
Ann Oakley
Evaluation of Liberal Feminists
lib fems overstate progress w/in fams - sym fam = flawed as small contribs to housework by men consid sym - argues dual burden
Overlooks Women’s Choice
Evaluation of Liberal Feminists
critics argue ignores some women choosing expressive role & part time / flexible work - aren’t forced to undertake dom chores / childcare choose to
Evidence for Progress
Evaluation of Liberal Feminists
studies suggest men do m dom labour & parents are soc sons & daughters equally
successful fem campaigns mean women could vote from 1918
Equal Pay Act 1970
Sex Discrim Act 1975
Marxist Feminist Approach
view cap & patri as insep systems - main form of oppress = cap - relies on unpaid dom female labour - this exploit reinforces patri power strucs
abol cap = needed to tackle patri
Soft Solutions
Marxist Feminists
- payments for invisible work
- closing pay gap
Hard Solutions
Marxist Feminists
- rev to overthrow cap systems
Marxist Feminist View of the Family
cause of oppress = men & cap - linked to exploitation of WC
fams help to preserve cap & patri - cap gets ben of unpaid work & male workforce are fed, looked after & kept happy to ensure work hard