Families Flashcards
What is a family
People who are related to you and to each other either through blood or marriage
This collection of related individuals is sometimes called your kinship system
What is a household
This is the term used to describe the group of people living together in the same domestic dwelling.
Different family structures
The idea that there are many different types of family structure.
The main where extended and nuclear
Over the past 40 years we’ve got more
What is the most common family
Nuclear family is still the most popular type of family in the uk today
The first sociologist to realise there was different families
Robert and Rhonda rappaport
Global family
What’s monogamy
Monogamy in terms of the law, where men and women can only have one marriage partner.
What is serial monogamy
Where men and women may have several marriage partners over time, but only one at a time
What is polygamy
This refers to a marriage where one partner is allowed legally to be married to several partners at one time.
Mostly common with a man marrying multiple women.
What is polyandry
Is where a women may marry several men and although very rare.
Some women are expected to marry all the brothers from a family, not to show favouritism and to have at least one child from each father .
What are arranged marriages
Arranged families exist in some societies where parents organise their child’s partners and weddings.
What is the reconstituted family
A reconstituted families with step-parents and step children
What is a empty nest family
It’s when the children are grown up and left home , the parents continue to live together in the family home
With longer life expectancy 80 year olds and beyond are on the increase
What is the beanpole families
This family tree is made thinner because families are having fewer children than in the past and longer because older relatives are living longer
What is single hood ?
Its on the increase It’s is now acceptable for women to be single or concentrate on a career also it’s acceptable for people to have sex outside of marriage
What’s family size
The average family size has decreased in the last 40 years because of social, economic and religious changes
The perfect fit
Some sociologists mostly functions say the nuclear family is the best fit (perfect fit)
Be geographically mobile
Conflict doesn’t arrive
Strengths conjugal bond
How is the nuclear family changing ?
Two wages coming into the family
Dual breadwinners
Old male sole bread winner and female home keeper of traditions are disappearing
More people decide not to marry
Many have remarried