families 19 Flashcards
A nuclear family
Just parents and children
Close/immediate family
People who are your nearest blood relatives
Close knit family
I’ve ever close family with strong relationships
dysfunctional family
Unhappy, not working in a healthy way
Late husband/wife
The one who has died
Estranged husband/wife
One who lives in a different place and has a difficult relationship with each other
Bitter/acrimonious divorce
Full of anger, arguments, and bad feelings
broken home
Stable home
Deprived home
Loving and a strong family
Not having the necessary things for a pleasant life
A confirmed bachelor
A man who seems to have no intention of ever marrying
Start a family
Expect a baby
The baby is due next week
Expected to arrive
Apply for custody of the children
Provide for your family
To earn enough money to support your family
Set up home
To start an independent life in one’s own flat or house