Fambam Flashcards
gifts i ncontemplation of marriage
gifts confitioned on the subsequent marriage, like engagement rings, are nll if marriage faisl to take place
- consider the type of tproeprty given, the conditions attached, and the intent of the donot
Antentuptual (premarital agreementS)
- Uniform Premarital Agereements Act
- death or divorce
- can agree ro disposition of property at divroce and to alimont. Waiver of alimont will ebe upheld unless doing so will cause disafcantaged spouse to become a puclic charge
- cnanot be bound by provisions re: children
- general fiairness and wehther represented is considered
- can agree to which state law will aply, if not, most significant relaitonship or where agreemtn was executed
Validity - in writing and signed -entered into volutnarily - full dislosyre of assets or proof party haf infependent knowledgr - unconscionable? -
Marriage requirements
- license
- ceremont with authorized officient
- no legal imprediments
- capacity to cosnent
some states require medical ceretificate
most states provide 72 hour waitingperod after applciaiton before ceremony can take place
legal impediments to marriage
- too closely related
- cannot amrry ascendents, desdenfants, siblinges, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, whether whole or half blood
- mant states probhbnit marriages beween those related by marriage, steprelations or afoption
- marriage between 1st cousins permitted in some states - already married to someone else
- of the same gender- hahahaha
- capacity to concent
- mental ability at time of ceremong : conside under the infleunce of alc or drugs or mentally handicapped
- age: afe pf majority; parental consent (16+) or judicial consent (under 16)
Common Law Marriage
requiremnetS: consent to marriage (capacity and no legal impedimentS) ; cohabitation; holding self out to public as husband and wife
Marriage by estoppel/putative marriage
equitable remedy may be fiven by soem courts to the innocent party who acted in good gaith when entering an inalud marraige
- putatitve spose can acuire rights of a legal spouse
Proeprty in marriage
each spose owns and ocntrols his or her own peroperty bu in event of divorce, title will not spoistitce in the euitabel division of proepty
if own in tenancy by entireties, presumed one psouse cannot convey or encumber proeptyy withotu consent of the other spouse
Doctrien of necesaries
can be used to make one spouse liable to 3P for the other spouses’s purchases for nexxary expenses such as ood, clothing ,and health care
- creditor can come after other spouse
Protective order
can be granted ex parte and can last for oen mont hto several years depedngin on jurisdiction
Tortious Interference wiht Marriage
Aleinatioin fo affection
Criminat Conversation
alienation of affection
against 3P mistress
ReQ:1. genuien love and aggeciton beween spouses who are calidlt married
- loce and affection was alienated and destroyed
- defendant’s act caused the loss of love and affect
adultery not rew.
poof of damage is rew and highlit subjective
Ceiminal onversation
the mattiage of sposes and adultert breween def and spose during mattiage
- damages same as alienation claim
declaration that marriage is invalid
void marriage
fail to meet essential requirements
can be attahed b one of partied or colalterally by 3P
mat or may nor be remedied by continued habitation after removal of impediment
ex: bigomy, 2. too cosely related