Fallacies of Logic Flashcards
Appeal to Emotion
-use emotion (ex: pity, fear, & flattery) to argue instead of using reason
How can you find Appeal to Emotion?
By making misleading comparisons, using misleading/charged language, making statements in an emotional/passive way, using stories, relevant quotes, anecdotes, and metaphors.
Appeal to Tradition
-An argument is true because it has long been held to be true
-“We’ve always done it that way!”
Appeal to novelty
Appeal to Nature
Red Herring
-distraction from original issue
-avoid question and change subject
Appeal to Authority
-an argument is tru because someone with authority thinks so
Appeal to Motive
-saying that an argument is wrong by questioning the motive of the person who’s proposing the conclusion
Arguementum Ad Populum
-saying an argument is true just because many people think it is
-ex: “The majority of voters are in favor of this law, so it’s a good law.”
Ad Hominem
-discredit the person’s argument by discrediting the person (attack the person advocating for an argument to try and prove it wrong)
Cherry Picking
-when only data that says one side is right is used and other data that says it’s wrong aren’t used
-like unaccounted for variables
Unaccounted for Variables
-when a statement or comparison is made with limited facts about what is being compared
-ex: Climate change=global warming (there is more than just global warming as part of climate change)
False Dilemma
-when 2 conclusions are said to be the only possible options
-ex: Use our fertilizer or your crops will die.
Guilty by Association
-tries to confirm an accusation/claim by associating the person with something negative/perceived as negative
-ex: Your cousin is racist, so you are too!
-an argument based on misrepresentation of an opponent’s position
-sets up a false point (straw man) that the arguer never made and attacks it instead of the original argument
-ex: This senator wants to cut back on Air Force because he thinks it is wasteful spending. I disagree. Why does he want to leave our country defenseless?