Fallacies Flashcards
lexical ambiguity
grammatical ambiguity
stress ambiguity
weasel words
ambiguous claim
emotive language
evokes emotions
part of whole is true, so whole is true
whole is true, so part of whole is true
petitio principii
circular reasoning
complex question
answer needs explaining
argumentum ad populum
playing to the people
argumentum ad misercordiam
appeal to pity
argumentum ad hominem
personal attack
argumentum ad baculum
threat/warning of violence
argumentum ad crumenam
threat/warning of financial loss
irrelevant conclusion
doesn’t follow from the premises
tu quoque
‘and you!’
wrong/weak analogy
general rule does not apply to specific case
hasty generalisation
too few examples to prove point
false cause
post hoc ergo propter hoc
reason doesn’t lead to conclusion
fallacy of ignorance
can’t be (dis)proven so it (doesn’t) exist(s)
naturalistic fallacy
what is found in nature is good
slippery slope
allowing reasonable thing leads to extreme version
ad verecundiam
appeal to false authority
all natural fallacy
members of same family are the same
appeal to popularity
others can do it, so i can do it
reductio ad absurdum
premise is unbelievable
fallacy of antecedent
it (didn’t) happen(ed) before, so it (never) will happen (again)
unit fallacy
two inequal things are compared
misinterpreting the evidence
examples don’t support conclusion
false dilemma
given two choices when there are more
complex cause
one cause gets the blame when there are many causes
same thing gets repeated in different words
red herring
switching issues midargument to throw off audience
straw man
switching to easier topic