Fallacies Flashcards
Non sequitur
“doesn’t follow”, invalid arguments
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc
after this, therefore because of this. Correlation ≠ Causation
Petitio Principii
Circular argument
Is to ought
Mistaking description for advocacy; changing is or does to ought, should or can.
Rights to Ought
Argument that something ought to be the case, because it is a human or constitutional right
Poisoning the Wells
An argument which precludes the possibility of being argued against
The Straw Man
A Misrepresentation - often a simplification - of the opposing case, in order to attack it
The Hollow Man
Fabrication of an argument you have never heard, by someone or people you don’t know
Moving the goalposts
Occurs when previously agreed standard is arbitrarily, and innocuously, redefined to meet the requirements of the present argument
Lexical ambiguity
syntactical ambiguity
grammatical mistake; nonstandard usage of a word
Complex question
Question containing more than one question
Red Herring
Distraction, diversion, change of subject
Hasty Generalisation
Reaching an inductive conclusion from insufficient evidence