Fallacies Flashcards
sob story
use emotion to distract the audience from the facts and to manipulate the audience into drawing unjustified conclusions
easy answer to complicated question
red herrings
misleading or unrelated evidence to support a conclusion
scare tactics
frightening people to agree with through threats of what will happen if you don’t
band wagon/ ad populum
encourage an audience to agree with the writer because everyone elce is doing it
slippery slope
one thing will lead to another with disastrous results
either/ or
reduce complicated issue to one with only two possible courses
false need
arguents creating an unecessary desire for things
false athourity
asking audience to agree with the assertion of a writer based simply on his or her character or the authority of another person who may not be fully qualified to offer that assertion
failing to accept the burden of proof
the assertion of a claim without presenting a reasoned argument to support it
using authority instead of evidence/ overreliance of authority
personal athority as proof
guilt by association
calls someones charicter in to question by exammining the character of that persons associates
shuts down argument by saying writers beliefes are the only acceptable ones
moral equivalence
compares minor problems with much more serious crimes, or vice versa
ad hominem
argument attack a persons character rather than his reasoning