FALLACIES Flashcards
English term for Argumentum ad populum
Appeal to the people
English term for Argumentum ad misericordiam
Appeal to pity
latin term for Attacking the person instead of the argument
Argumentum ad hominem
What fallacy is this To say that something is good or effective because many people use or like it
Appeal to the people
I really need this job. I have a family to support, and my child is sick. Please, I beg you, hire me.
Argumentum ad misericordiam
Everyone is buying the new iPhone. You should get one too.
Argumentum ad populum
You say I shouldn’t smoke, but you used to smoke too
Argumentum ad hominem
True patriots support this policy. If you don’t support it, you’re not a real patriot.
Argumentum ad populum
your Honor, my client is a single mother of three. She made a mistake, but she’s truly remorseful. Please, have mercy on her.
Argumentum ad misericordiam
Person A hangs out with criminals, so their opinion on gun control is invalid.
Argumentum ad hominem
If you don’t finish your homework, you won’t get to go to the party tonight.
Argumentum ad baculum
Since no one has proven that ghosts don’t exist, they must exist.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam
If you don’t agree to work overtime this weekend, you can start looking for a new job.
Argumentum ad baculum
I can’t explain this strange noise, so it must be a paranormal event.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam
To say that something is good or effective because many people use or like it
Argumentum ad populum
To beg for pity instead of giving a better reason to support one’s claim
Argumentum ad misericordiam
To reject someone’s argument by discrediting the person making the argument,
Involving a person’s socio-economic status, pas
Argumentum ad hominem
To use the threat of force or coercion, pressure, instead of providing a better reason
Argumentum ad baculum
To say that something is true because there is no proof or evidence that it is false; vice versa
Argumentum ad ignorantiam
applying a general rule to an exception
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right.
Therefore, a person should be allowed to yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.
It’s wrong to kill another human being.
Therefore, a soldier killing an enemy combatant in wartime is morally wrong.
No connection between premise and conclusion
Irrelevant conclusion
Irrelevant conclusion
Think of the poor, starving children in Africa. You should donate to our charity.
Irrelevant conclusion
Explaining something by the wrong cause
The explanation or cause cannot be the right scientifically
False cause
Every time I wear my lucky socks, my team wins. Therefore, my lucky socks cause my team to win.
False cause
I got sick after eating sushi. Therefore, sushi always makes me sick.
False cause
applies to some parts or members also
applies to other parts or members
Hasty generalization
I met two rude people from New York City, so all New Yorkers must be rude.
Hasty generalization
I’ve never seen a cat that likes water. Therefore, no cats like water.
Hasty generalization
premise supports the conclusion and vice versa
Restating the idea of the premise
Circular argument
A good person is someone who does good things. So, if you do good things, you’re a good person.
Circular argument
The stock market is going up because it’s bullish. It’s bullish because the market is going up.
Circular argument
an argument that is confusing due to awkward grammar or
sentence construction
I didn’t say he stole the money.
The police were looking for a man with a dog.
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
All men are mammals.
All dogs are mammals.
Therefore, all men are dogs.
A famous actor endorses a new brand of energy drink. Therefore, it must be the best energy drink on the market.
Misplaced authority
A famous chef recommends a certain car brand.
Therefore, it must be the best car to buy.
Misplaced authority
Every individual in this society is kind and compassionate. Therefore, the society as a whole will be peaceful and harmonious.
Every player on the team is a great athlete.
Therefore, the team as a whole is great
This class is full of intelligent students.
Therefore, every student in this class is intelligent.
This fruit salad is delicious. Therefore, every fruit in the salad is delicious.
If you wear clothes from this designer brand, you’ll be more stylish and successful.
Argumentum ad verecundiam
Attending a prestigious university will guarantee a successful career.
Argumentum ad verecundiam
If we incorrectly cancel digits in a fraction like 16/64, we might mistakenly conclude that it equals 1/4.
Arithmetical fallacy
A company might claim that their product is 50% more effective than a competitor’s. However, if the competitor’s product was already 90% effective.
Arithmetical fallacy
If it’s wrong to steal a car, then it’s even more wrong to commit murder.
If a high school diploma is required for this job, then a college degree should certainly be required for a more important position.
If you’re not a morning person, you must be lazy.
Black and white
You’re either with us or against us.
Black and white
If I had studied harder, I would have gotten an A on the test.
Contrary to fact fallacy
If I had won the lottery, I would have quit my job and traveled the world.
Contrary to fact fallacy
Just like a carpenter needs a hammer to build a house, a student needs a textbook to learn.
False analogy
The human body is like a machine. If one part fails, the whole system breaks down.
False analogy