Fallacies Flashcards
What is a Fallacy?
What are the 2 main types of fallacy
What are they called when one of P and Q is false
A fallacy is a faulty kind of argument
Formal fallacies - invalid due to form
Substantive fallacies - issues with content
They can be intentionally (speaker knowingly appeals to pity, fear etc) or unintentionally (just bad reasoning) rolled out.
to test for fallacies we consider whether the conclusion might be false even if the premises are true.
If either P or Q is false we say that P and Q are logically independent
2 examples of fallacies
Affirming the Consequent:
If P then Q
Denying the Antecedent
If P then Q
not P
Ad Hominem Fallacy
Ad hominem circumstantial
Tu quoque
Directed at the person but not in relation to their argument.
Personal perhaps
Ad hominem circumstatial - implies the person making the argument has something personal to gain.
Tu Quoue - act as one says, saying an argument is flawed if their behaviour doesnt match