fallacies Flashcards
hasty generalization
an error in reasoning that occurs when a person makes a general conclusion based on a small number of cases
“it rained the first three days of July at this resort. it must rain all summer here”
circular reasoning
assuming what you are trying to prove. “begging the question” “if the premises are true the conclusions must be true” “ a is true because b is true” “ b is true because a is true”
ad hominem
attacking the person involved in the argument instead of attacking the argument itself. The attack is made on a person’s occupation, family connections, or other circumstances that might influence his decision making
“his research paper on the chemical composition of certain sedimentary rocks is unreliable because he is an evolutionary atheist”
post hoc
after this therefore because of this. “ the chain broke after Alex rode the bike, therefore because of Alex the chain broke”
missing the point
A sets of statements leads to conclusion x, yet conclusion y is drawn missing the point. All cats have four legs. I have four legs. Therefore, I am a cat
appeal to force
instead of offering valid reasons to support his/her conclusions, he threatens severe consequences if his conclusion is not accepted. “you need to get saved or you will not be able to get a job anywhere in this town”