falacies Flashcards
Question-Begging Epithet:
Question-Begging Epithet: Calls someone a name that implies a quality or fact that is not proved
Special Pleading
: Colors the language according to the arguer’s perspective by citing that one is the exception
making you look like an exception
Equivocation: Changes the meaning of a word or phrase in mid-discussion
Complex Question
Asks a question that assumes and so corners its respondent
Appeal to Emotions
Manipulates agreement by way of emotion instead of cogent reason
Begging the Question:
`` The use of the claim as its own justification
Non Sequitur
Non Sequitur: Draws a conclusion that doesn’t follow from the premises
Appeal to Ignorance
Appeal to Ignorance: Argues that a lack of evidence is itself evidence
Appeal to Authority
Appeal to Authority: Submits testimony from an irrelevant or dubious source as evidence
Abusive Ad Hominem
Abusive Ad Hominem: Sidetracks the issues by attacking the person
Straw Man:
Straw Man: A weakened misrepresentation of an opponent’s view
Tu Quoque:
Tu Quoque: Attempts to discredit an argument based on a person’s hypocrisy
Guilt by Association
Guilt by Association: Uses bad reputations to discredit
Ad populum/Bandwagon
Ad populum/Bandwagon: Convinces by arguing an idea’s popularity
Reducing possibilities to only two