Faith In The Modern World Flashcards
Peace, Charity and the Environment
Describe Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching is the social doctrine of the Catholic Church which guides people on how to live out faith in the modern world.
-It is rooted in scripture so is focused on helping the poorest and most vulnerable in our society, reflected in its seven principles.
-One principle is the common good which the compendium of social doctrine defines as, “The social and community dimension of the moral good.”
-CST is focused on making our modern society a better place.
-Inspired by Christ’s example, CST teaches that most care should be given to the marginalised in society. This is show by the principle of the preferential option for the poor.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About the Common Good
-The Catholic Church promotes the idea of a common good. The compendium of social doctrine defines it as, “The social and community dimension of the moral good.”
-This means seeking the conditions in society that promote the fulfilment of all people, both as individuals and as groups.
-In order for people to flourish and reach their full potential, society needs to promote respect for human rights and the dignity of each person.
-Moreover, there must be space to develop spiritual and material well-being, and peace and security within society.
Describe Catholic Beliefs About Dignity
-At the heart of Catholic social teaching is human dignity. This is rooted in scripture, “Let us make mankind in our image.”
-This shows Catholics that humans were created in the image and likeness of God.
-This means that human life is sacred as God has made us uniquely a reflection of Himself.
-Therefore, all life must be protected from the moment of conception until natural death.
Describe Catholic Beliefs about Poverty.
-Catholics believe poverty is a violation of dignity.
-The Catholic Church has a preferential option for the poor meaning they place special importance on the care of the poorest and most vulnerable.
-Pope Francis taught that, “Money must serve not rule,” showing that the goods of the Earth are meant for the common good not just the privileged few.
-Catholics believe they have a duty to work against the things that cause poverty in society; influenced by Jesus’ teaching: “whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.”
Describe Catholic Beliefs about Peace.
-Catholics believe peace arises when all peoples love each other and share what they have so that there is no injustice.
-One of the beatitudes is “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Therefore, Catholics will act out of love and truth to help build a more peaceful world.
-However, peace must be worked for, and it does not just come about through the end of war. This is shown in Gaudium Et Spes, “peace is the fruit of love.”
-True peace is only possible when the rights of every person are protected, and their basic needs met.
Describe what ‘Gaudium Et Spes’ Teaches About Peace.
-Peace will be established when there is a clear determination to treat others with dignity and respect. It states,” to respect other men… is necessary for the establishment of peace.”
-All Christians have a responsibility to act out of love and truth to help to establish a more peaceful world. It also teaches that, “Peace is not just the absence of war but… the fruit of love.”
-True peace is not just created at the end of conflict but when all peoples love each other so that there is no injustice.
-True peace can only be gained by reconciliation: healing the pain and bringing the two sides together.
Describe Catholic Beliefs about Reconciliation.
Catholics believe reconciliation is important for bringing about peace. Gaudium Et Spes says that “Peace is not just the absence of war… but the fruit of love.”
-To bring about peace, each side must be fully reconciled. Catholics believe each side must heal the pain and anger caused by conflict to bring each side closer together.
-However, Catholics argue anger is sometimes justified if it is directed towards tackling injustice (righteous indignation).
-Catholics are encouraged to seek forgiveness, make amends, and foster unity. Reconciliation is important for healing broken relationships and promoting peace within the Church community.
Describe Catholic Beliefs about Justice.
-Catholics believe that there can’t be true peace in the world unless there is justice first. The reason for this is that a lack of peace is usually caused by some form of injustice.
-Many people in our world today have their human rights abused and they are not treated with dignity and respect.
-Consequently, the Catholic Church calls on believers to challenge these situations in the world and to not rest until all of God’s children experience peace and justice and all discrimination is eliminated.
-This is expressed in Gaudium Et Spes which teaches, “Every type of discrimination is to be overcome and eradicated.”
Describe the Role of the Catholic Church in Inter Faith Dialogue.
-Inspired by Jesus’ teaching to “love one another,” the Catholic Church takes part in interfaith dialogue to tackle global issues and promote peace around the world.
-Pope Benedict XVI called interfaith dialogue, “A vital need for our time.” This shows Catholics they should work to collaborate with those of other faiths.
-As a result, Catholics believe they have a responsibility to engage in shared goals for the common good and protection of other religions.
-Work may include priests and bishops visiting other places of worship or the Pope visiting other countries to promote work to combat discrimination and climate change.
Describe Jewish Teaching on Peace, Justice and Reconciliation
-Jewish teaching places an emphasis on peace, justice and reconciliation for living in a fair world.
-Leviticus taught “do not seek revenge.” In turn, many Jews are encouraged to work together to try and prevent conflict.
-These teachings are also shown by the Torah’s commandments about tzedakah. This is justice shown through social actions and acts of kindness.
-Reconciliation is also important as the Torah teaches that it is an element of teshuva. Jews must seek forgiveness if they are to be forgiven.
-As a result, many Jewish homes contain a Pushke box. This is a receptable for donations and a source of charity.
Describe the Work of CAFOD.
-CAFOD focus on sustainable development by working with poor and vulnerable communities.
-They were originally inspired by teachings such as “God intended the Earth for the use of all human beings and peoples,” from Gaudium Et Spes.
-They fund long term projects to provide education, set up health care programmes and help others in training in skills and advice.
-CAFOD provide emergency care to respond to natural disasters to protect the most vulnerable communities in the short term.
-CAFOD also campaign to challenge those in positions of power to enable fairness.
Describe Ways in Which the Work of CAFOD Reflects Catholic Social Teaching.
-CAFOD reflect the Catholic belief of dignity by helping anyone regardless of their race, gender, religion or political views.
-This is because Gaudium Et Spes teaches, “Every type of discrimination is to be overcome and eradicated.”
-Therefore, they will work with anyone as everyone has been made in the image of God so have an innate dignity.
-Furthermore, Jesus said, “whatever you do for the least of these you do for me.” As a result, CAFOD seek to overcome poverty so work alongside those they are helping.
-For example, CAFOD will teach others to farm or help them build new infrastructure to help in the long term. This reflects the Catholic belief in the preferential option for the poor.
Describe the Work of SVP
-SVP work to help those in need in the UK such as by personally visiting people to provide help and support.
-Inspired by Jesus’ teachings to “love your neighbour as yourself,” SVP organise children’s camps for young people from poor or troubled homes, and holiday schemes to provide respite for family carers.
-SVP also hold regular fundraisers at schools, churches and charity shops which reflects the teachings of the founder: Blessed Frederic Ozanam, “Let us do without hesitation what good lies in our hands.”
-Schools and churches hold collections of money, items of food and clothing while shops sell products that have been donated and use the proceeds to support those most in need.
Describe Ways in which the Work of SVP Reflects Catholic Social Teaching.
-SVP reflect the Catholic belief in the preferential option for the poor by holding fundraisers at schools, churches and charity shops.
-This is because the founder taught, “Let us do without hesitation what good lies at our hands.”
-Therefore, SVP will collect money, food and clothes to help the poorer and most vulnerable as much as possible.
-Furthermore, SVP organise camps for young people from poor or vulnerable homes.
-This reflects the Catholic idea of the common good because they are able to benefit many young people and allow those with fewer chances to have more participation in society.
Significance of the Vine in the Tree of Life Apse Mosaic
-The image of the vine was mentioned in John, “I am the vine.”
-Having it spread across the entire mosaic shows that Jesus’ message has spread throughout the world.
-The vine also comes from the cross in the centre showing how the Church only has life through Christ.