faire to do to make conjugation Flashcards
to do
to make
je fais
I do
I make
tu fais
you do
you make [s]
il fait
he does
he makes
nous faisons
we do
we make
vous faites
you do
you make [p]
ils font
they do
they make
je faisais
I did
I made
tu faisais
you did
you made [s]
il faisait
he did
he made
nous faisions
we did
we made
vous faisiez
you did
you made [p]
ils faisaient
they did
they made
je ferai
I will do
I will make
tu feras
you will do
you will make [s]
il fera
he will do
he will make
nous ferons
we will do
we will make
vous ferez
you will do
you will make [p]
ils feront
they will do
they will make
j’ai fait
I did
I made
I have done
I have made
tu as fait
you did
you made
you have done
you have made [s]
il a fait
he did
he made
he has done
he has made
nous avons fait
we did
we made
we have done
we have made
vous avez fait
you did
you made
you have done
you have made [p]
ils ont fait
they did
they made
they have done
they have made