Failure of vertebral segmentation and formation Flashcards
Hemivertnra ( failure of formation )
Fully segment ➡️ disc between VB ⬆️⬆️ scoliosis
Semi segmented ➡️ incomplete Vb fuse w/o disc
Non segment ▶️ connect VB w/o disc
Incarcerated ➡️ compensate VB ➡️ neutralize scoliosis
Faluire of segmentation
Unilateral vs bilateral ( Klippel-Feil) block
Hemivertebra HVB
Unilateral VB ➡️ one pedicle and hemilamina
MCC of congenital scoliosis
Variation ; multiple , segmentation fluorescent > 40 % , extra rib , anterior HVB
Indication for HVB surgery
5 degree progression
After age 1 u
Complication ➡️ Crankshafting
Klippel-Feil syndrome 📍
Congenital fusion of 2 => Vb block VB complet fusion with postive r lament
When segmentation of cervical sometimes
GW 3-8
🔺 low posterior hairline, bervicollis( short neck) , limitation neck motion rotation ) , if VB fusion > 3
Complete absence of the posterior elements with an enlarged foramen magnum and fixed hyperextension posture
Klippel-Feil syndrome association
Hypoplastic disc space
Small central canal
60% scoliosis
Sprengel’s deformity ( ⬆️ scapula )
synkinesis( mirror 🪞 motion )
One kidney
High arch cleft palet