Factual Recall Questions Flashcards
How does an increase in volume affect Surface Area:Volume ratio?
Larger volume means smaller Surface Area: Volume ratio
Name the process by which prokaryotes exchange gases.
Prokaryotes exchange gases through diffusion as they are unicellular and have a short diffusion pathway.
What are the three components of the tracheal system in insects?
Spiracles: can open and close
Trachea: links the spiracles to the tracheoles
Tracheoles: allow the gases to reach as far into the insect as possible.
Name two components of the gas exchange system in gills of a fish.
Lamellae: gas exchange occurs here
Gill filaments: Supplies blood to the gill filaments
By which principle do fish exchange gasses in their gills?
The counter current mechanism- water and blood move in opposite directions
Name two components of the leaves of dicotyledonous plants involved in gas exchange.
Stomata, guard cells and sponge mesophyll
How do plants limit their water loss?
Waxy cuticle Hairy leaves Curled shape Sunken stomata Reduced SA:V ratio of leaves
How do insects balance the need for gas exchange with the need to limit water loss?
In dry conditions they can close their spiracles to limit water loss.
Over which membranes in the lungs do gases have to pass?
Alveolar epithelium and capillary epithelium
What features do the surface over which gases pass in the lungs have to enable efficient gas exchange?
Short diffusion pathway
Concentration gradient maintained
Name the method of interaction between internal and external intercostal muscles
Outline the movement of the diaphragm in inhalation
The diaphragm contracts causing it to flatten which increases the volume of the thorax and decreases the pressure below that of the external environment.
Outline the movement of the diaphragm in exhalation
The diaphragm relaxes causing it move up into a dome shape. This reduces the volume in the thorax and increases the pressure.
What cavity is involved in gas exchange in the lungs?
How does reducing the quantity of oxygen available affect the cells in the body?
Reduces the rate of respiration
What reaction occurs in which larger molecules are broken into smaller ones?
Why must molecules be made smaller to allow digestion?
To allow them to move across cell membranes. If molecules are too large they cannot fit between the phospholipid bilayer or through the protein channels.
What two enzymes break down carbohydrates?
Membrane-bound dissacharidases
Which enzyme breaks down lipids?
Explain how bile salts aid with the digestion of lipids?
Bile salts emulsify lipids into micelles.
This increases the surface area for lipases to then act upon the lipids.