Facts Flashcards
When was AKA founded?
January 15, 1908
Incorporated what day?
January 29, 1913
What is the motto?
By culture and by merit
The mission/purpose?
To cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life and to be a service to all mankind.
The symbol?
The Ivy Leaf represents a strong and lasting friendship.
What is the flower and what does it symbolize?
The pink tea rose and symbolizes a women of serene nature.
What are Alpha Kappa Alpha’s colors?
Salmon Pink and Apple Green
What do the colors represent?
Apple green: Vitality
Salmon Pink: Feminism
Who created the name, motto, and colors?
Beulah Elizabeth Burke
1st key area.
The lifelong personal and professional development of each of its members.
2nd key area?
Galvanizing it’s membership into an organization of respected power and influence, consistently at the forefront of effective advocacy and social change that results in equality and equity for all citizens of the world.
AKA’s credo?
To be supreme in service to all mankind
Twenty pearls?
16 Founders and 4 incorporators
The incorporators?
Norma Elizabeth Boyd, Julia Evangeline Brooks, Ethel Jones Mowbray, Nellie Pratt Russel, Minnie B. Smith, and Nellie Quander
The reason to have it incorporated?
To broaden its service concept offerings while ensuring the preservation of its founding principles and brands.
Who designed sorority crest?
Phyllis Wheatley
Longest living founder?
Norma Elizabeth Boyd
First ivy beyond the wall?
Marjorie Hill: 1909
Who wrote sorority pledge?
Grace Edwards
Alpha Kappa Alpha documents are located?
Sprigham research center at Howard
The president?
Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover
How many chapters and members?
1,024 Chapters and over 300,000 members
Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service.
Five target areas.
- HBCU 4 Life: A Call to Action
- Women’s Healthcare and Wellness
- Building Your Economic Legacy
- The Arts!
- Global impact
The regions?
North Atlantic Region, mid- Atlantic region, south Atlantic region, Great Lakes region, south eastern, south central region, central region, mid-western region, far western region
When was your region founded?
Mid-Atlantic region was established in 1953. Virginia and North Carolina. 7,300 members and 82 graduate and 48 undergraduate chapters. Joyce Anderson
Official house organ?
Ivy leaf magazine, first published 1921
Basileus means?
Vice President
Recording secretary
OG- First treasurer, graduated in 1909, born April 13, 1879 in West Orange, New Jersey, Charter member of chi omega chapter in 1925 in rocky mount, library aid, first treasurer. A.E.B
Anna Easter Brown
OG- Sister is Lillie, born July 20, 1885 in Hartford, North Carolina, charter members of beta omega and mu omega and served as president for both. Served as manager for Slowe hall for graduate students, member of Xi Omega Chapter and died 1975 B.E.B
Beulah Elizabeth Burke
OG- Co created the motto, graduated of liberal arts 1908, participated in organizing Xi omega chapter, died in 1949. L.B.
Lillie Burke
OG- Graduated in 1908, taught at Morgan college in Lynchburg, Virginia, degree in educational and political science, died 1909 was the first Ivy beyond the wall. M.H.
Marjorie Hill
OG- Born September 6, 1886 in Greensboro, North Carolina, had a scholarship and graduated 1908, active member of theta omega chapter, retired and became a member of Tau Omega chapter, NY, author of “our founders in retrospect- by one of them”, first published character sketches in the ivy lead 1927 edition, served as anti- basileus and grammateus of theta omega chapter in Chicago, died 1976. M.F.H
Margaret Flagg Holmes
OG- Originator and “guiding light” of Aloha Kappa Alpha. Born February 10,1887 in St. Louis Missouri, graduated 1908 and taught music, president of omega omega chapter, named honorary president in 1926, treasurer for 20 years,taught music, died 1950. E.H.L.
Ethel Hedgeman Lyle
OG- born December 14, 1882 in Montgomery, West Virginia , first constitution and bylaws committee, came in 1901, presided over the first ivy day celebration, taught school in WV for 49 years, active with Beta Tau Omega Chapter, became member to Xi omega chapter, celebrated 100th birthday with a gala party, died-1983. L.N
Lavinia Norman
OG- Born July 4, 1985 in Berryville, Virginia, was on a scholarship, first president of Alpha chapter, tennis champion and gifted singer, constitution and bylaws committee chair, first black female dean at Howard and dorm is named after her, first African American to win a national title in any sport, died 1937 L.D.S
Lucy Diggs Slowe
OG- born December, 18,1893 in Atlanta, Georgia, accompanied Ethel Hedgeman to present proposal to university, contacted the sophomore class woman who were elected to complete founding group, graduated in 1908, helped organize omega chapter and was president, roast secretary, died 1960. M.W.T
Marie Woolfolk Taylor
Sophomore- active member in early days, graduated in 1910, had articles published by the Howard university journal, wrote and had an ear for music, and was born in Washington, DC. A.P.M
Alice Porter Murray
Sophomore- born in Washington, DC, helped establish Nu chapter in 1922 of West Virginia, charter member of beta beta beta omega chapter 1934 in Charleston, first African American member of West Virginia society for crippled women, mother inducted as honorary member in 1913. S.M.N
Sarah Meriweather Nutter
Sophomore- born July 7, 1884 in Catharpin, Virginia, re established active membership in the organization in Winston Salem, member of Tau omega chapter, served as custodian, died 1995. J.M.B.S
Joanna May Berry Shields
Sophomore- born in Washington, DC, enter red arts and sciences in 1906, graduated in May 1910 for social work, employed as a switch operator in administration, charter member Xi omega chapter, became new corresponding secretary in 1909, Died 1948. C.S.
Carrie E. Snowden
Sophomore- Born February 4, 1885, in Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, elected secretary of her class, first sophomore in founding group to be elected president, wrote graduate initiation hymn, graduated in 1910, taught English for 37 years, Alabama A&M in Huntsville. H.J.T
Harriet Josephine Taylor
Sophomore; incorporator - Born August 9, 1888 in Washington, DC, joined Nellie and Minnie at the committee to incorporate organization, served as North Atlantic regional director, president of Xi omega chapter, organized the women’s international religious fellows in 1959, longest living founder and died in 1985. N.E.B
Norma Elizabeth Boyd
Sophomore; Incorporator- born in Baltimore, Maryland, enrolled in arts and sciences in 1906, became Alpha chapter president last semester of her senior year 1910, became a caterer, active with mu omega chapter, mother died when she was an infant and dad took care of her until she was 10 and then out into coaster cafe, worked with Nellie to save the sorority. E.J.M
Ethel Jones Mowbray
Incorporator- Born in Washington, DC, first international president from 1913-1919. N.M.Q
Nellie May Quander
Incorporator- Born in New Orleans, wrote the history of AKA which was presented at the public meeting of the 1923 boule, served as treasurer from 1913-1923, one of 10 children,assistant principal at Dunbar high school for 26 years. J.E.B
Julia E. Brooks
Incorporator- Born in Macon, Georgia,received plaque in 1969 for outstanding service to the sorority, kept herself busy with gardening and thugs with her hands even though she had arthritis, had the ability to organize and strengthen them with a sense of purpose “her kids”. N.P.R
Nellie Pratt Russell
Incorporator- Born in Washington, DC, wrote letters to graduate members on what was happening with the sorority, Nellie Quander picked her as president while she was on study leave in 1916, served as recording secretary on the first directorate, served as secretary on the incorporating committee. M.B.S
Minnie Beatrice Smith
Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta
Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lamda Mu
Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma
Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega